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Click here for audio testimonials! About two years ago I had a bad break up wherein I had ultimately allowed a woman to totally disrespect, mistreat and dominate me. All in the name of love! After that I vowed it would never happen again. I went on a mission to learn all I could about woman ,dating and relationships .Since then I have literally spent thousands of dollars digesting everything I could get my hands on about this subject., buying all the e books ,courses etc.Some good ,some worthless and so on. It wasn't until I discovered Payton's materials did I find I really had the answer. From the first second to the last on his program(cds) his passion and gut level wisdom of what it really takes to conquer the babes rings true. I am truly grateful for having found this material and would highly recommend it without hesitation. Pete M. San Diego PS your radio show is amazing! I listen every week! You are the man, Payton Kane. I love the way you talk. The boys and I always listen to you before we go out. You’re the best motivator. It really is so easy to get laid. Make fun of her, pick on her and she’s yours. Your program has been an inspiration to us all. Ben G. Payton, I just received your cd series and you should consider being a motivational speaker! I listened and your words motivated me to be better, and I am already on CD #1. I always had confidence, but never around females. And after listening to you, I feel, well, empowered. And I can't wait to see what else happens. Shit if this works I will be forever in your debt. I will send a pic of myself to you sometime to get ur opinion...but I already have an idea of what I want to do...Thanks again... Benjamin B. Dr. Kane, I want to personally thank you for your program. I have never been laid before i was a 23 year old male who had a difficulty time with women..however after 2 days of listening to your program lesson 2 not expecting anything a friend of mine literally jumped on top of me she told me how me ignoring her drove her crazy and she wanted me bad. Now this girl is shy as heck...she barely speaks..then after 2 weeks i had another girl this time however it turned out to be a stripper and after a while she too went crazy. A week later another co-worker wanted me too after work...so now thanks to you dr payne i had a difficulty becuase i was with them at the same time 3 at the same time who knew...now i moved on left them all however what is weird is that they still want to be my friend so i will keep them for later. Currently i started with a relationship and i'm going to follow your program and destroying the relationship in a month...thank you once again... Danny U. I regret not ordering this sooner. I never had a clue how to dress. What a difference some clothes make. I loved the destroy section. Tell her you don’t want her, break up with her and she’s yours. You have turned me into a player. They think I’m rich. Just like you said the transformation happens in one night; it happened! Eric H Dr. Kane knows how to turn a nice guy into a raging tiger, you'll not only get laid but you'll gain superior confidence as well as a huge ego, he's figure this damn thing out, follow him and listen to his ever word, the program will change your life I couldn't believe it myself, I go up to girls now and put them down and they wonder why Im not interested, go for the gold gentlemen this man will show you how its done. Tom Hello Mr. Kane, I am a 20 year old female living in Toronto, and I will be honest with you. ... Etc. Keep up the great work! Sincerely, DeepIndigo Payton, you are great, I listen to your show every Sunday... I sit in bed and listen to your show for the full hour, some of your callers are hilarious... Well, I just heard that you came out with some cd's for women, I don't really need help picking up guys, but you are great at giving advice on other issues, you know so much about us women that it's actually scary, I sit in bed and think .. wow this guy is really good !!! I just wanted to say that I love your show, and should an issue arise that I cannot handle I know who to talk to. Keep it up, I look forward to my early Monday mornings with you!!! Have a great night !! Dear Dr. Kane I find it funny how when your down and depressed the best thing your buddy can say to you is don't worry you just need to get laid and often you just find him to be a little insensitive. But the truth is he's right and now thats the advice I give. It's true when you really get down and lonely don't soak in your own misery there is hope. No therpaist or pills will cure loneliness better than "seduce and conquer". Hector You have my pernission to use this on the site if you'd like. I just hope I could help out the program and some people who really need it. Thanks for the free program and i hope to get the bonus stuff soon. Theres no need for the phone consultation now. I've listened to all the discs over and over and even perfected my clothing style and everything is working out fine. Alot of people need this and not only for recreation but for life. I no longer wait for the magic because now i'm a fuckin Magicain. Thanks Payton kane and the whole Seduce and Conquer team. Dear Payton, I recently purchased your Seduce and Conquer program, and have been completely blown away by the effectiveness of your course. I have purchased other Seduction programs, but yours is the only one that a person can use immediately to begin producing the results they desire. You convey this Seduction technology with a real passion that makes the program absorbing from start to finish. I actually enjoy listening to this program because it's all immediately useful information, not a bunch of filler. It's all relevant, and it all works. An added bonus of this course is that it is applicable to all your interactions with people. You will be told the Truth about what it takes to begin living your dreams. You will be motivated to believe in yourself and take some bold action. You will develop the mindset of the few who do, not the many who only watch. Anyone who orders this program will be investing in themselves. Payton, you've really created a program that shines on it's own. This is a paradigm shift in the Seduction world. What an accomplishment! Michael. Your program is nothing short of miraculous. You have actually tapped into the female psyche and given us all a greater understanding of it. I have ordered 6 different programs off the Net and nothing came even close to yours. Amazed, Sam R.
Payton, What a great end of last week. I met a woman at Shooters on the intercoastal in Ft. Lauderdale Thursday night. I ended up making fun of her the whole night and even left her once for being an idiot. When we left, I took her back to my truck and seduced her right there. Over the weekend I went to the West Coast of Florida for a big Virgin Islands reunion (I was born and raised there). I had al the men and women eating out of the palm of my hand. It was GREAT! The mans-man and ladies-man principles work awesome. Thanx buddy, Seth L.
Payton, Tommy C. Hi Dr. and Team, I just finished listening to the first CD and Wow !.... This is the Anthony Robbins of Getting Laid. I listened to many seduction programs and I have to say that your program is the best. Not only because the information that contains but the rather the way is delivered. The guy has a lot energy and enthusiasm that I end up listening to the first CD 4 times the same day!!! And I never got bored. Thanks, K. Your CD s are great. I have waited all my life to hear what you got to say. It is fantastic I am 53 years old and when I listen to what you have got to say , I now know where I went wrong as the MR Nice Guy. So thank you ; you are doing a fantastic job. Regards. Vernon Payton; Your program works good. I picked on the good looking waitress while eating dinner with my loan officers & my wife. The waitress could not get enough of it, she kept comming back for more. I over heard my wife braging to her friends about two weeks latter. My loan officers gave me a higher credit line, I didnt even ask for. I get real dissapointed when I go out to eat and I get some ugly waitress, it ruins my evening. My lady friend, I told her I didnt want to fuck her any more. She wanted to know why? I just dont. She said "Lets still be freinds"! Ya thats fine. Well that didnt last long. Thanks Again Eddie S. - New Mexico USA Seduce and Conquer is a well deserved swift kick in the ass. The style is very much take no prisoners, and I dig that about Payton. I swear the guy literally was screaming to me:) This program taught me alot about women but mostly it taught me how I should be treating myself. I was able to create a ROCK SOLID internal dialogue when interacting with women. If you haven't mastered this area of your life...you must get Seduce and Conquer right NOW!!! Sean Hey Payton, I bought your course, I am studying it learning all I can, And I moved to Las Vegas, NV. two weeks ago to put myself in an environment where there are huge amounts of beautiful women. Thats how serious I am about succeeding at your course!!! The way I look at it you might as well stack the odds in your favor as much as possible!! I am so thankfull I came across your course! I plan to e-mail a picture of me to you asap for you to give me any advice that I need. If you are ever in Las Vegas look me up!!!! Your devoted student!!!! Steve F. I have tried many different programs on the internet and most are worthless. Most say "be confident , funny , dress well" but give little information how to achieve that. Your program tells you exactly how to achieve it and more. You're right.... This is the worlds ultimate seduction system. Thanks Kyle C. Hello Mr. Kane Thanks. Yo Payton, I am Martin,25, from London, UK. I decided to purchase the program as a way of trying to 'get over' a chick who messed me about...It sure has opened my eyes!! I have listened to all your CD's and love them and they have certainly have improved my confidence and ability to talk to most girls, u truly are the Don! U have ignited an amazing feeling within myself,and it is awesome. Thank You, Martin. HEY Payton, Whats up! Your System & Extras KICK ASS. You ought to be a SUPER POWER. I am BLOWN AWAY! Talking to you was way cool, like I had known you for years or like a big brother. YES there are other programs out there, but NONE can compare to yours. Your process is DEAD ON and your Service goes way beyond anybody else, You Really care about us out here in the trenches! Or is it the Dark Hole? HA! What a HUGE waste of money on those other programs like "Double your Dating". The Cost of your program is way affordable. AND IS WORTH IT! 100%. Since I now have the program, and listened to the CD's twice, here are some of my exploits from practicing. LISTEN UP GUYS "NO ASSHOLE HERE"! Class, Style, and CONTROL is where it is AT. I was at a night club the other night, I caught the eye of a total FOX from across the club. As soon as I made eye contact I broke it off with a kinda sarcastic look.....Then started talked to this other guy at the Bar for a minute... then casually I looked for her again, Caught her eye again and did the same thing. I waited for 5 minutes, and started to leave the club. This girl literally flew across the other side of the club to head me off at the door. She said excuse me, Hi, I said hi, then she says, where are you going, I said I am leaving, she said are you coming back, I said ,If you are Lucky, and I walked away. As I was walking away I noticed in the glass out side the Casino night club that she stood there and watched me leave. But I could feel this tension from her of loosing me. She wanted to talk to me in a bad way, the way I acted It was so smooth I felt like James Bond.
At the Gym the same thing happened, in the cardio room," Whats up ladies", {Right from Paytons cd} now one was a Bitch but the other one was nice, I teased on her the whole time, when she left the gym she made it a point to AT the Bank, I was teasing my teller a HOT filipina, another teller said, "you are not nice", I looked at the other teller and said with a smile, why should I be. My teller was digging on it the whole time, and loves it when I come to her window. Payton you are RIGHT, Learn the Game and Learn Control, MASTER CONTROL and be COOL! and you will SEDUCE & CONQUER, what POWER this gives you. As I use this new found power in my life & Business, more and more you do develope a better skill at it, like anything else it takes Practice. And it is so easy as you say. Still a lowley student I will be calling you for more advice. There is no magic here, just be diligent and DO. What a great teacher Payton is. And what fun you can have, because if you mess up with one, there are a million others, so SCREW IT! and DO IT! What's the worst that can happen, the girl walks away, even mad, Laugh at her. I did, and you have no idea what it does to these women. BIG DEAL she ain't nothing. Payton thanks,... oh look, there's my Balls! I've found them again. I hope to be one of your prize students. S & C forever BABY! Sincerely Being one of the first clients to sign up for this program I wondered at first is this program real? Well guess what this program is as real as it gets. I have been studying this program for about six months now, however In just weeks I found myself more confident in picking up women, actually I picked up a girl the same night that I met Payton Kane. So this is proof that it does not take years to pick up hot women, the results happen immediately. Frank F. Dear Payton I received your 4-CD set and I have to say I am on a buzz, it is like I have been injected with a major confidence drug and put on turbo charge! After listening to the first CD the very next day I saw a stunner on the train and since I was feeling so good I thought I would have a bit of fun. I got eye contact then broke off, she broke off (after me). Then I got eye contact again and broke off again! The third time I got eye contact a big smile broke across her lips, I gave her a smirk and looked in another direction. when she got off at her stop she made a point of getting eye contact with me again and she blew a kiss! It was not a seduction but I would have never done that a few weeks ago, now after hearing you speak I have got that confidence! you will be interested to know that a guy who watched me do what I did, told me I was a lucky bastard, before I got off the train. I replied, 'It's not luck!' and walked off! I cannot wait to really get my teeth into CDs 2,3 and 4! Payton you're the man, like they said in the film Small Soldiers 'everything else is toy', your seduction programme means that 'all other seduction programmes are crap!' Regards Tom, London, England! Hey Payton, First of all, your program is great. It gives me a boost of confidence everytime I listen to it. The first date info...wow, its perfect. Its the kinda date every girl dreams of, whether or not they admit it. And the stuff about relationships (the Destroy part) is gold. I've never heard this particular stuff anywhere else, and it really added a big peice of the puzzle for me so thank you. Dave S Dear Dr. Kane, I was once a shy rabbit, but after ordering Seduce & Conquer, I became a raging tiger! The night I ordered your cd's I went out on the town and scored four phone numbers and brought a woman back to my place. Your techniques WORK like a charm!
Thank you Dr. Kane, you have changed my life! -Matt Hi Doc, I listened to cd 2 yesterday for the first time and last night i had my first one night stand ever! Thank you very much for sharing this knowledge and wealth with me. I can truly say that Seduce and Conquer was the best investment i ever made. Victor I ordered your program to kick things into top gear. Your program put cracks in my frozen way of thinking. So much so that I made quantum leaps in my interactions with my co-workers, friends, family and, above all - women. Thank you for representing us men. Thank you for having the stones to step up to the societal plate and speaking the truth; thanks for changing it all - for me. Bo N. Hi Payton Well honestly I have been quite successful with women within a 10 year age limit below me, however I knew there was room for improvement and growth. So I ordered your CD series to enhance my ability. I fully understand your philosophy and how to turn the tables on women. Now I can see my how ability to attract women of various social rankings, education levels and attractions has just been increased and expanded. Much of what you teach is so so true. I openly commend you on your efforts and contribution to men. I was already a player and womanizer. Now I have moved into the next level so to speak Well I listened to the entire series as soon as I recieved them and I laughed at your 2nd CD it was so so funny and so so true. The enthusiasm and rapport you share is excellent. I don't recommend products or endorse them for others, however, I will now make an exception here. Payton job well done, you are deserving. The CD's are so valuable.
Dr. Kane, I got your CD's and I love them! My image has been perfected! My confidence has skyrocketed! I can approach any girl anywhere without missing a beat! The other day I started joking around with this hottie. She said that she had yelled at me and I didn't acknoledge to which I replied "girl, I only look at hot girls! Thank you! Stuart from Colorado I ordered your program and I cannot explain to you how brilliant it really is. I was already relatively good with girls but from listening to the program I have a completely new view of them. I realize that they are worth little more than their role as ego boosters and they are so easy to manipulate. My question for Payton is, how did you learn all of this, coming from an overweight nerd to master of seduction? Josh Dr. Kane, Let me tell you why this program works. As with the development and mastery of any new skill, one cannot be successful without the presence of an excellent teacher. Dr. Kane, your program works because you communicate your ideas through a strong and dominant character. One cannot be successful with women (or anything for that matter) merely by memorizing things to say and actions to take. Those things must come from within, and they can only come from within if one has the right attitude. Your program, if used correctly and studied carefully, has the potential to give any guy out there the aforementioned dominant attitude. This program has been my stepping-stone, so to speak, into the world of the successful and confident. I regret ever having doubted the power of this material and its highly experienced and skilled teacher. My deepest thanks, James Payton, Recieved your system just last week and I must say you absolutely rock! This program has been one of the most educational experiences I have undergone probrably ever! A lot of these games that you refer to on the CD's I guess most guys are somewhat familiar with but don't completely understand sometimes. I gotta say though now I hear you loud and clear. I just begun working behind the bar at a nightclub and tested out some of this stuff just on the weekend. Unbelieveable!!!! I was just sarcastically hanging shit on female patrons all night, not one of them got offended at all, they enjoyed it. One sat at a stool all night and she was the first guinea pig. After talking to her in bits and pieces throughout the night I told her to write down her number. ..... You guessed it! I got it! Sai. L "Payton is the Arnold Schwarzeneggar of seduction" Bob H. This guy is great !!!!! Does he sell more than these 4 cds ???? I like them better than Ross J. and David DeAngelo... Dave F Dear Mr.Kane and the whole team of Seduce and conquer,
Sincerly, Savio D. Hello Dr. Kane, I've had your program now for over a month and can't get enough of it. I can't believe how much replay value each one of the CDs have. I must've listened to CD # 2 at least 14 times through now. Best Regards, Matthew, Nova Scotia I am in Toronto, is it possible to just pick up the program as you are nearby...would you give me some free feedback on my appearance/potential if I was to meet you. I should say I am a therapist which is a bit ironic but I am interested in mastering this dating thing and most of all increasing my confidence. I look forward to hearing back from you. Thanks Hi Guys, I look forward to the CD's and I just discovered your show and love it! I've been trying to record it for the last 3 weeks on the internet. Great blend of info; humor and insight...love it!!! Keep it coming, Hey my first time hearing it was to night on the radio but what a Awesome show. Any how so how bout a free cd? William McCloskey Hi Payton: Heard your radio show, it’s awesome! Id love to get a free cd! Jamie Callingham Seduce and Conquer: It's 12:03am Calgary time and I just listened to the Seduce and Conquer show (my first time). Wow. I'm amazed. I always knew Dr. Kane was an excellent speaker, but he's got a money maker on his hands with this one. Regards, Hey Payton, How’s it going? I love your show (100.7 on Sunday nights) and I was hoping you could help me out! Anjali I have listened to your radio show on club 246 since the start and I think your show has been very informative and entertaining at the same time. Keep up the good work. Regards, Hello Payton: MY name is J. C. . . I'm a single male in my 30's. I happened to be tuning in my car radio and caught your broadcast. I found your show interesting and informative. I enjoyed it very much. I'll be making a great effort to catch your show again. J. C. Satori
Will Payton be back on the radio this Sunday so that I can call in a question? I've got a really good one. I've been using Payton's advice and it's changed who I am - you really can't put a price on that. Please pass on my gratitude to Payton for his inspiration and knowledge. PK. I can't thank you enough for giving me this sort of confidence and control over my destiny which took place in a weekend. What you gain from your program is worth ten fold what you're charging. I have purchased programs from other so called "love/woman experts" and "motivational guru" Anthony Robbins, which now sit in a box labeled "garbage" after receiving and implementing your principles. Again, I cannot thank you enough. Jon i have purchased your cd's and a week later banged 2 gals that work in the shopping centre i also work in, no more MR nice guy, i have adopted a take no prisoner mentality when it comes to picking up thanks to payton. much appreciated. Sal Mike
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