Seminar/Vacation Report: From Cliff:
Seduce and Conquer in Cancun, Baby! Jan. 2008
Payton Kane had called me up a little while ago and suggested that we head down to Cancun. His timing seemed perfect - I needed a break and going away with him is always a blast (as you may know, if you've read any of my other reports on my trips with him). This would be my fourth trip with him and the second one to Cancun. When we went to Cancun the last time, it was about 6-8 months after they had experienced those devastating storms and had just begun to rebuild the place. We had a great time but Payton tells me that he's been back there at least 6 times with clients since then and what I am going to experience is nothing like the last time. He tells me that this time we'll be going in to some clubs like VIP's through the back entrance and when you go to the washroom you'll be escorted by bouncers from the club who will clear the path, open the door, and basically do everything but hold your dick, shake and wipe it when you're done. (That's the next level, I understand. But I'll pass on that.) For those who don't recall or who didn't read my previous reports, while Payton does approach women, his preferred direction is to have the staff bring women to him as he enjoys himself with celebrity status in the usually roped off VIP section (as he famously said to me once and I never forgot, "Do you think P Diddy does cold approaches? Not a chance!") Well now after all his trips since we went he's well known down there and the treatment I am going to see is going to be off the charts.
Friday night I arrive in Toronto and Payton picks me up at the airport. We head out to one of his favourite restaurants which is quite a distance from downtown. I haven't seen him in quite awhile so there's a lot to catch up on, and it's pretty clear he's really looking forward (as I am) to getting away for a vacation. He's put on few pounds since I last saw him but finds that the more he weighs, the more the women chase him. In the past he used to take his motivation to lose weight from wanting to be more attractive to women, but he's having more success with women than ever despite (or because of?) his size so he's lost that impetus to diet. His New Year's resolution this year is to put on weight! In contrast, I arrived in Toronto on the last official day of my diet, having dropped 19 lbs. in the last 41 days and my concern at the moment (facing the usual orgy of food on such a trip) is about making sure I don't gain it back, so weight is somewhat on both our minds.
After dinner we head out to one of his strip joint hang outs. There's a private room for select special members where they allow you to smoke (smoking in public places is not permitted in Toronto), and that's the main reason Payton likes the place. Unfortunately the place is extremely busy and all the good seats are taken so we don't stay there too long, so we head to a second place where we meet several strippers who know Payton quite well (several of which he's slept with, some that he continues to sleep with on an irregular basis). One of them has quite a personality and she supplies us with the two best lines of the night. I don't remember the comment that inspired this, but she responded to some request with "the hallucination room is over there!" which had us in stitches for awhile. Later on she says to him "what do you think you can just touch my breasts in public like you're my boyfriend or something, we just had sex, that's all!" which inspires the reverse for us to use of "what do you think, you can just touch my chest in public like you're my girlfriend or something?" She was quite sharp witted and her and Payton exchanged some quick repartees - but at the end he told her to come over to his place after she was finished work. This is a girl who Payton had picked up a while giving Daniel (one of the guys on our trip) a Stripper Seminar. He picked her up the night he took Daniel out and left with her that night. The next morning he told me she showed up (she's been over to his place before) but left without staying over. We left there and headed to another strip joint downtown (I don't think I had been to a strip joint since the last time I went with Payton, which is some time ago, and here I was in three in one night) where he started teasing this Jessica Alba look-alike. At one point she asks him if she can spend the night with him and circumstances were such that he didn't quite answer and she had to go elsewhere because he knew he was supposed to meet the other shooter girl later on that night. He gave some thought to how he was going to respond to her (she was a new contact, not one who was one of his regulars) and decided that if he saw her again he'd tell her to meet him outside when she's finished working. Then he'd stiff her. The next time he came back to the club if she would say anything he'd say he was waiting for her outside (playing on confusion) and then he knows he'll not have any flaking which he thought was a possibility with her. Payton always preps his girls. Many strippers are very flaky so Payton flakes on them purposely. He makes plans and stiffs them giving him the power when he sees them again. I was pretty tired at this last place and ended up dozing while seated on a barstool for part of the evening. I get back to my hotel after 2 am (bars close at 2 in Toronto) but we had a very interesting talk in the car. My assessment of Payton was that he was a little burned out from all the seducing and conquering he's been doing, which he agreed was right. He's looking forward to this trip as a vacation and the truth is we both need it after what has been (for me, for sure) a long, hard year.
Sunday Payton picks me up in the stretch limo. Already inside is Daniel, a Toronto client of his who seems to do pretty well to start with. We then go pick up James who has flown in from New Zealand to attend this weeklong seminar/vacation with Payton. James is in his early 40's and seems to also have some skills. He tells me that it was through my list that he found out about the community, which was nice to hear. The flight down was uneventful (other than some babies screaming) which was a huge relief in comparison to the trip down to Puerto Vallarta where one of the group got ridiculously drunk and where I thought he would be refused entry to Mexico. And the crowd going to Cancun is much different than our other trip to the Dominican Republic as there are many more single girls on the flight looking to hook up with Dominican guys. Our last trip to DR, Payton got the girl sitting next to me on the flight topless and was playing with her breasts!
We got there Sunday night and Payton got us the best available rooms on the nicest floor in the Hotel. All our rooms were oceanfront and had amazing views of the beach. We had dinner, went up, got ready and decided to head out to Coco Bongo.
Coco Bongo is the most popular club in Cancun but it’s more of a nightclub/theatre with many interesting shows going on simultaneously. Payton doesn't like the club but wants us all to experience Coco Bongo's as it is such a big part of the Cancun nightlife. We got their very late and every table in the place was taken. It was extremely busy but Payton managed to still get us some VIP seating close to a few girls. Unfortunately the girls around us were very unappealing. Payton at one point said "Hi" to a heavyset woman who was standing and dancing near us and from that moment on she was pursuing all of us. Fortunately women are usually not overly aggressive when they do this and she didn't push things. James met a girl from Ireland who I thought was nothing really special but he was making out with her and he ended up taking her back to our hotel with us. James, however, didn’t think she was that bad. I am not sure what the point of that was because firstly taking someone up to your room here involves facing the staff who insist on charging for an extra person in the room (in our hotel's case, it's $45 for the extra person for the night). Secondly, he took her up to his room (somehow avoiding the charge this time) and then came back down relatively quickly because he didn't want to sleep with her (which apparently pissed her off and they ended on sour terms). But the trip is off to a good start with one of us bringing a girl back from a place Payton feels is not generally conducive to that (it depends on the night, but it's very loud, usually too young, mostly couples and since it's a theatre there is so much going on).
Our hotel this time is walking distance from the main club area and on the way back around 4 am we stop by a place for tacos that Payton's been raving about since the start of the trip. The tacos are not like you see in North America - these are soft small tortillas served flat (to be rolled up) with a variety of items (I am not sure what they all were, but I am pretty sure there was some lettuce, sour cream, and other items and they serve separately a selection of toppings that include very hot sauce (Payton, who generally has a high tolerance and likes spicy, took a small taste and found it very hot; James on the other hand seemed to find it not overly spicy and easily took a spoonful after Payton challenged him to do it. James also fed the girl some of that hot sauce and Payton couldn't get over that he did that because his mouth was burning like crazy from just a drop), guacamole, salsa and other toppings.
Monday was again fairly uneventful during the day where we learned how to connect to the net, took some sun, and had time to talk about game, business, the net, etc. There were many couples and groups at this Hotel which really pissed off Payton because his friend, who just visited there a few weeks ago, was raving about the place. I advised the guys to write down a lot of questions for Payton for them to ask him when we are at dinner, which is probably the best time to grill him. Payton's not much on prepared material but is a fountain of information if you ask him questions.
Monday evening we meet for dinner and Daniel and James have prepared a number of questions for Payton. I recorded the discussion which essentially had him explaining how his main teaching is to teach guys to do to women what they do to us. A lot of great tips were shared and this is probably the best session so far of information that we had. The interesting thing about this particular group is that Daniel and James are both advanced in their own ways, different from the previous groups I have been on with Payton. We all have somewhat different areas of where we want to improve our game. Following dinner we went to Daddyo's which was busy but the crowd was primarily couples and a lot of guys. I do notice, again, that the crowd is a little older and better than the last time we were in Cancun. Nothing particularly remarkable happens this night; Payton approached two women sitting at a table who turned out to be mother and daughter and who were part of a group (a recurring theme). Payton connected with an attractive woman who expressed regret for being tied up that evening with the guy she was with, James made out with another heavyset young lady but wasn't interested in pursuing that. There were a lot of short encounters with no great stories behind them. One of the highlights had to be how at one point Payton tells me to look up at the big screens on both sides of us. I look up and they say "Daddyo's Welcomes Payton Kane and Seduce and" which was too much! We end up stopping for tacos at 4 am and then call it a night.
Tuesday is spent at the pool taking the sun, talking and gearing up for a night without Payton, who is not going out tonight or Thursday evening. Payton likes to give his students two nights out of the week without him so they can work on their own and see what they have learned. The three of us head over to Senor Frog's, which was the place that was the best on my last trip to Cancun. We had found it only on our last night and it had a great party atmosphere and an older crowd next to the 18-20 year olds that seemed to dominate everywhere else we went on the last trip. Senor Frog's is more a bar than a night club, but is a lot more of a place that caters to a “lower demographic profile.” While there were some definitely attractive, quality women, the place has a lot of skank similar to the Saddle Ranch in Los Angeles or Sir Winston Churchill Pub in Montreal. The cover charge of $40 includes open bar (Payton later will explain that many of these places have been known to spike the ice cubes which will make people get drunk faster, and thereby allow them to dispense less alcohol despite the ‘all you can drink’ availability) and they give you a tall, slender plastic drinking glass when you come in. Not being a drinker I found a better use for this - I walk in and go up to this girl and tell her "I figured out what these glasses are for - it's to spank bad girls like you!" She laughs and we chat a bit but I move on. I say something similar to 2-3 other women during the night, and get a chance to use something Payton talked about at the restaurant earlier in the day. Daniel asked about what to do in situations where he is talking to a girl and there just seems to be nothing further to say, where the conversation hits a dead zone. Payton said that for some reason never happens to him but that many of his clients experience the same problem. He said that he will use that - he would say to the girl, "Why are you so quiet? Are you thinking about me? You have very good taste!" I started talking to this one girl (I used a line from Will where I asked her if she had anything against very good looking men. She says no, and then I said "I am very, very glad to hear that. My name is Clifford!" which gets a laugh and a big smile) but the conversation got quiet very quickly. So I said Payton's line but she said immediately that she was waiting for someone and so I politely ended the conversation. My experience has been that most of the time when they aren't helping the conversation it's because their attention is elsewhere, usually that they are with a guy who is either there but not with her at that moment, or they have a boyfriend or some other guy that is on their mind and getting their focus is more effort than it's worth. Senor Frog's is a Spring Break type place and there's an African American announcer/host on stage named Dave who has been there forever. He gets people up on stage and has them do outrageous things - I was somewhat surprised how tame it was as the crowd was clearly in a hearty party mood and ready for some filthy suggestions involving alcohol, clothing removal, and other socially reprehensible but fun activities. Before we had left the hotel, we had a drink at the lobby bar and I noticed two girls who were there. Later on in the evening, Daniel meets them at Senor Frog's and makes out with one of them (they were both from Australia, one that I guess the pc description would be African-Australian and the other Caucasian) but, as seems to be a theme so far this week with these guys, these women were, shall we say, that I found less than desirable. James meets up with a girl from Wales whose 23rd birthday is today and ends up making out with her. James mentioned also that he had opened an Irish girl at Coco Bongo by just saying to her "Happy Birthday" as his opener and that moved him right into kissing her. (He had no idea if it was her birthday, and as such it was obviously unlikely.) The birthday girl sticks around through the night and at the end her and her friend Cary, who was from London, England, wanted to go somewhere after the place closed (which, unusually for places in Cancun, closed down at about 3:40 am). We walk out of the place with the two girls and start walking back to the hotel, but Cary is carrying her shoes as her feet hurt and it was not practical to have her walk all the way back to our hotel barefoot (it's about a 15 minute walk from our hotel to the club district). We cram 5 of us into a taxi which clearly was one too many, but we made it. We walk into the hotel and bring the girls right up to Daniel's room (later when recounting this story to Payton he was amazed how we got the girls in without having to pay for them and I said the guards probably looked at the girls and took pity on us). The situation was such that I felt that I was sort of the second man (although that was not James’s impression) in there and, if I was so inclined, Cary was more set up to be with me than with Daniel, who had joined us afterwards. Cary lay down on the bed while the other girl sat on a chair and it was pretty clear to me that these two were open for an experience, one that they would potentially remember forever, but if I was a part of it, it would probably be one I couldn't forget no matter how hard I tried. So I decided it was time for bed and I said my good-bye's, figuring Daniel could easily replace me in the event James and he would do something with these girls. It turned out they sent them home empty handed (and saving me some unappetizing images to roll around in my mind.)
When talking about this at the pool on Wednesday with Payton, Payton asked how many girls these guys had made out with this trip so far. Daniel had made out with two, but said they made out with him and he didn't want to make out with them. Payton pointed out that this was why he made out with them - one of his major tenets is that when you don't want them, they want you and when you want them, they don't want you. James had made out with 3 girls which we had differing views on. He thought the Irish girl wasn’t so bad, the girl from Wales was just a kiss and the other girl forced him to kiss her after she saw him kissing the girl from Wales. 10 minutes earlier she had came up to him expressing interest. James told her he was gay and she believed him until she saw him kissing the girl from Wales. I can see that James must do quite well with attractive girls as well, but the ones he's been spending time with on this trip have been what Payton called "492's" - a 4 when you meet them, a 9 after a few drinks, and a 2 when you wake up and they are in your bed. I did see James sitting in a very responsive conversation with a spectacular girl, but I remarked about her to Daniel and he pointed out to me that the guy standing in front of the table they were sitting at was the girl's boyfriend. James told me she was totally into him, but couldn't leave the boyfriend. James told her to go back to her boyfriend, as he’s not interested in girls that have boyfriends. It seems that this would also be a recurring theme this week, as Payton mentioned about this other blond girl who was grinding with James at Coco Bongo's and flirting like crazy, yet it turned out her boyfriend was also just down in front of where all of us were standing.
Wednesday is a big day as tonight we go to Basic, which is one of the best clubs down here and a place where Payton is well known and where he will get first class VIP treatment. We meet at the poolside restaurant and talk for a few hours and Payton shared some very good comments but I didn't have my recorder with me. At one point, three fairly attractive women walked by where we were sitting - on their third pass I stopped one of them and asked her about her sunglasses (I thought I had seen these with guys earlier so I decided to start up with them indirectly). The women talked with us but there was no energy that this could go anywhere so we just let them go. Daniel and James ended up leaving after awhile and Payton and I went into the ocean for a swim and he told me about a new client he has who has phenomenal day game. This guy will approach women in Home Depot and he comes right up close in their face with a very confident approach and is apparently extremely successful with this. Payton hopes to have some material from this guy on his next product. This is another example of one of Payton's students who has taken what he has learned from Payton and applied it in a different situation taking his game to an entirely new level.
Basic is a dome shaped club built over the water and which has an open roof over the dance floor. Payton is greeted by a number of the bouncers and managers as a long lost friend and we are escorted to the VIP section, next to the owners' seats. We get there early as when we went to Coco Bongo it was so packed there just weren't any great tables left and it's quiet, but it fills up quickly. Payton is asking some of the waiters or security guys if they have balls and challenges them to bring women to our section. These guys were quite helpful and first brought a group of five women from Buffalo to us. These were all pretty attractive women in their early 20's and we each spoke to several of them. Payton, at one point, was all alone and speaking to all of them at the same time and they seemed to really enjoy his conversation and energy. I have been having a hard time hearing what they are saying in these clubs as they are very loud, but at the same time it gives me the opportunity to hold their heads in my hands as I talk into their ears, which allows me to caress their face with the far hand, run my fingers through their hair with the closer hand, and nuzzle their ears and cheeks with my lips and cheek as I speak to them. When we talked about this the next day, Payton suggested that I pull on their hair when I do this as this will escalate the situation even further. Payton immediately starts a conversation by grabbing her hair. Every girl he spoke to he would quickly grab her hair, talk in her ear, and take the conversation to a sexual place. He must've spoken to at least 15 women that night doing just that. I extended my hand (something I picked up from Badboy) to one of them (to describe it, you just elegantly bring your hand from in front of you to it being extended to them, similarly to how you might start to take a dance partner over to the floor after she put her hand in yours) and then twirled her. Payton does this as well as he crawled around our VIP section that night, extended his hands and immediately started dancing and twirling them. There seemed to be several good conversations going with this group but they gathered together at one point and left us (something that seemed to be a recurring theme that night - some good interactions but the girls still smiled and moved on). There were two quite attractive French Canadian girls who came into our section and we spoke with them on and off for most of the night, but at the end they each had hooked up with a staff member of the club (one of whom told Payton that they came there special to meet up with him and the other guy). There were also two very appealing Japanese girls from Philadelphia who came into our section and Daniel seemed to hit it off with one of them, and I with the other one. At one point, though they left supposedly to go to the bathroom and didn't return and this one was probably my fault. There was a dead moment in the conversation and I leaned over to the one I was talking to and asked her if she had just grabbed my ass, which while she denied I got the impression that it didn't go over well. The same guy from Toronto whose girlfriend seemed to be really into Payton showed up later on with 4 girls, which ballooned to about 15 people later on in the evening. And while we spoke with a few of them, my intuition was telling me that this guy from Toronto was not someone to be taken lightly as he owned a few nightclubs in Toronto and was a perspective client for Payton's radio station. So, I personally felt it was better to just be friendly with his women. Payton also spoke and danced with several of the women in his group but didn't push things. James had been wanting to see Payton in action as he has been somewhat laid back for most of this trip so far, but tonight Payton was charming all the women and James was quite impressed. Payton explained that he doesn't go out to pick up women; he goes out to have a good time. He drinks because he likes to and he likes to be with his friends - if it happens with women, that's great and most of the time it does, but if it doesn't at least he's had a good time. He says this is what women do - they go out with their friends to have a good time and if they meet someone, that's a bonus. That's why they have so much power in clubs, because they are unattached to the outcome unlike most men. Daniel was not having a great night and was complaining that it was too loud and that he couldn't hear what women were saying and they couldn’t hear him. While I also found that hearing women there was difficult, the bigger problem was that Daniel was coming across with a negative expectation because of this and Payton explained to him the next day that he really needs to come across as positive, upbeat, fun and enthusiastic. In other words, if your energy isn't there, the women aren't going to respond well which is what will happen with most people if you come across as negative or somewhat lifeless. Payton explained that going to Cancun is mostly going out to loud nightclubs; this is what the trip is mainly about. He doesn't quite teach other than by example and by being a coach and it's important that his clients know what to expect when they go with him. Some ask him to pick up a woman and leave with her and he says he would gladly do that but what good does that do his student? He probably won't be able to hear what he says and if he leaves with the girl then he's gone and that's it. The student won't feel anything if Payton sleeps with the girl, probably won't see much other than some body language, and almost for certain won't be able to hear what was said. While he could do that, he doesn't think that's fair to the other students if one of them wants to see him do that and that ends up meaning that he leaves the other students alone. If he's hired one on one and that's what the client wants to see, he'll do it, no problem. But it's spending time with him that will provide the education that going out or away with him that is where the student will learn the most.
Around 4 am we decide that nothing much is really happening there so Payton and James decide to hop in a cab to go to a strip joint where this girl he had met on his last trip a month ago works. I decide to call it a night and the next day Payton tells me that his girl wasn't there that night but was there the night before, that the club was dead (apparently later on in the year is when most of the tourists from Latin America come into Cancun and until then the strip clubs are quiet), and that it cost them a $30 cab ride and $50 admission to get in all for nothing. They apparently came right back to the hotel after - worst of all, there were no tacos that night.
Thursday morning Payton wakes me up at 9:45 am and I meet him for breakfast just after 10. He had gotten really hammered last night and wasn't feeling well and would be taking tonight off. He suggests we try Pat O'Brien's and Margaritaville which he says is similar to Senor Frog but not as skanky. James mentions that he's heard about clubs in the downtown and we decide to probably check one of these out and then move on to the other if we don't like the first place we go to. Tonight is the first night that Payton doesn't join us for dinner and we are faced with a decision about where to go. The two places Payton mentioned were high on the list, but we had also heard about a series of clubs in the downtown. Further, the attendant at the towel hut told us that the hotel was organizing a bus to a related hotel that has a club in it and that a lot of the people staying at our hotel would be going. That group trip was set to leave at 10:30 and meet first in the hotel lobby, so we decided to check out the crowd before making our final decision. The crowd didn't look particularly interesting so we decided to head out to Pat O'Brien's & Margaritaville and if they weren't happening we'd take a cab to downtown. We walked, based on misinformation of how far it was, from the hotel there, which we really should have taken a cab or bus to. We went into Margaritaville first which was pretty energetic but also pretty empty. We stuck around for awhile and we teased a couple of the waitresses but there was no one coming in so we left. We walked over to Pat O'Brien's and arrived just as a bus from one of the hotels was dropping off a load of people. As we walked in at the same time, it appeared that they thought we were part of the group and didn't pay any admission charges and they handed us each a drink. The place wasn't packed but it wasn't as loud as the other clubs we'd been in and there was a decent amount of people there. James opened up two Mexican girls who were sitting at the bar and we spoke with them. Daniel started right away seducing one of them, talking in her ear, putting his fingers in her hair and pulling gently as he was talking just like Payton had demonstrated the night before. She was really into it and it was going well until James told her that she looked like a man. James had in his mind to try different things, and he said this to them which didn't go down well and they excused themselves and went to another part of the room. Daniel told him that if she was a model (in other words, a very hot looking girl) that might have worked but she wasn't in that category and the comment went over badly. James had at dinner talked about some of his experiences which showed how behaving counter-intuitively had worked with women for him and usually it does but you have to know when to behave in that manner as giving a woman attitude is all about response and timing. One story was how he had gone out with this very attractive girl but when he called her to get together the second time, she made some sort of remark like "I'll think about it" to which he said "No problem, I've got better options." This particular comment was used by him twice and both times the women ended up chasing him from what were dead situations - his most recent girlfriend being one of them (the other girl was a state hockey player). But it's a fine line between being the jerk women love and the jerk they don't and this comment to these two girls didn't make it.
This was a pivotal evening for all of us - James was on fire and he opened up set after set. Daniel was a different person - his attitude and energy were much more positive than he was the previous nights, and my own game seemed to notch up a level as well. When asked where he was from, James replied he was from the moon. A shooter girl asked me where he really was from and I told her he was really from heaven but he didn't want to tell you that as he was afraid you'd get too excited. I noticed this one shooter girl across the room so I did Payton's point at her first, then with two fingers point at your eyes then at her eyes (indicating I see you looking at me) and she smiled and then came over (a great tactic to get a girl to approach you). She was then after me to buy shots from her and I told her that I can't start drinking because then bad girls like her would take advantage of me. Daniel had a real problem with something that Payton and James do a lot, which is build themselves up by referring to themselves as the best looking guy there and similar such statements. But tonight he was all over that and was doing it to the point that James said he was stealing his lines completely. One of the shooter girls told me she had lived in Montreal for three years with her ex-boyfriend so I asked her when she was coming to visit me. Her and her sister actually made plans to meet us at a club called Daddy Rock when they got off work, but we never showed up. There was a somewhat attractive older woman sitting at the bar near where most of our encounters were happening. I don't know if she met the guy she left with at the bar that night or if she just met him on a pre-arranged date, but when he was nuzzling with her on one side, she looked over at me on the other side and gave me "fuck me eyes," which I returned graciously of course. On her way out with this guy, she again gave me that look and I extended my hand to basically say goodnight to her, and as I did this she leaned over to kiss me on the cheek goodbye. However, her lean was decidedly more intimate and practically kissed me on the mouth and really snuggled the side of her face against mine and her breasts into my chest. I took her head in my hands and said in her ear, "I hope you have as wonderful an evening as you are imagining you would have with me" which brought a huge smile to her face. I can't really explain it, but we were all on despite the fact that we didn't actually pull any girls with us. Later on we took a cab back to the main club district and walked around near Coco Bongo and James wanted me to show him some street game. However before I could say anything, he opens up these two blonds and says "You look Irish" to one of them and soon has his arm around her and is getting a very positive response. After that he opens up a group of 8 people, 4 guys and 4 girls and was pretty much talking to everyone. We ended the night going for tacos and walking back. On the walk, James said "Hey girl" to an overweight Mexican girl in heels, and she playfully slapped him on the cheek and walked away. Daniel and I both took the remains of our bottled water we bought with the tacos with us and as we were walking back suddenly behind us we see flashing lights on the top of a police car. The car backs up and we face three Mexican policemen talking to us in Spanish, basically asking us what's in the bottles. Notwithstanding the fact that Payton told us the next day that it's legal to be drinking in the streets there, the cops decided we only had water there and let us go. I was certain, at 4 am on a dark street in the wilds of Mexico, that regardless of what we were doing or had with us that there was a good likelihood we would be extorted for some payment. What are you going to do? Hire an attorney? More likely is agree to a request to pay them $500 and they'll consider the matter closed, but they just let us go which amazed me.
Friday we went shopping finally and I bought a lot more than I thought I would. Firstly we went to a local shopping centre where cash is king and Payton was able to negotiate some good discounts for us. As an example, the asking price for a few items I picked up was $125 and I got them for $80. At this place you have to bargain but they don't take credit cards. Afterwards we went to a luxury mall where they do take credit cards and I bought some other items but there were no discounts available there. Cancun is a great place to buy silver jewellery, and Payton was able to negotiate some pieces for $1 a gram (asking price on much of the pieces was as much as $1.50 or more a gram). And Payton in a few places asked them to weigh the bracelet he was wearing that he brought with him on this trip to verify that the scales were accurate.
Friday evening we meet for dinner at 9:00 at one of the restaurants in the hotel. Payton is very much looking forward to tonight, when we go to The City which is his main place down here. The City is within walking distance from the hotel, near Coco Bongo. We get in a bit early, before 11 pm and Payton is given the virtual red carpet as soon as we get to the door. There is a line up forming outside the club but we go to a separate roped off section where there was no one and the doorman greets us warmly. At least three staff members enthusiastically welcome Payton, much like a long lost brother returning home. We meet Gabriel, who is the senior manager and part owner and are escorted to a VIP section. Payton tells me that the club has several VIP sections including one Super VIP with a closed room, tinted windows, etc. up on the top floor of the club, but that's away from the action and no one sees you there so it's really only good if you are there with your own party. Payton tells me that every table in the place is reserved - they are expecting a huge night. We not only did not have a reservation, but they seemed to keep our section mostly clear the whole night because Payton demanded his space. We were given a beefy security guard who was to escort anyone wanting to use the bathroom through the crowd right to the bathroom, which he did for me twice during the evening (it's quite empowering walking through the hottest club with your own bodyguard clearing the way for you just to use the can). Payton was on the case of a few of the waiters that they have to bring hot women up to our section. Payton ordered a bottle of scotch which basically covered our drinks for the evening - later during the evening Payton ordered drinks for a few of the women who were brought over to join us and he told me that he was comped for either the bottle or these drinks or all of it. He told me how the last time he and one of the senior managers really bonded when he got two girls to come up to the Super VIP with them and the manager got a blowjob thanks to Payton's encouragement to the girl. Later that evening as was trying to leave he wanted to tip that manager who completely refused to take his money saying that Payton was "one of his boys" and he doesn't take money from his friends. Payton's game with club staff and management is unparalleled - he told me that many of his wealthy clients fly him into their cities just to have him pave the way in the exclusive clubs. Payton will go there, do his thing, and the client will then be given VIP treatment when he goes back to those clubs (you obviously have to go there soon after and become a regular as there are always changes of staff and if they don't see you regularly they will forget about you). This is really a unique skill Payton has, which is the ability to get close with these people who he may see once or irregularly and he always gets special treatment. He's been told he should make a product or teach this, but he doesn't know how to teach this, it's personality and energy and I asked him if he had met many people who could do what he does in clubs and he said that he could think of very few (keep in mind that he's typically in clubs 3 times a week most weeks, and has been doing this in many cities for a very long time now).
The City is a high energy place with a bit of an ongoing show of short sort of presentations. For example, they had two female acrobats do a show where they were doing gymnastics on long red ribbons which they wrapped themselves in as they were suspended above the central dance floor. On the large stage at the front of the club (where the guest DJ would eventually be stationed and play his music from), a variety of acts came on including three muscular hip hop
dancers who did some impressive gymnastics with a ladder that they would alternatively suspend themselves on. The music was loud but you could hear someone who talked to you, which was better than the other dance clubs that we went to. Daniel spoke to a few of the women that were brought to our area but as the evening wore on he didn't seem to be connecting (he's complained about not being able to talk in these places and told me that he much prefers to do day game and will get back to that when we get back home) and he left several hours before the rest of us. Daniel also had some surgery done to his ears and couldn't hear as well as the rest of us, and I certainly had that problem without having had any ear surgery. I was also having an up and down night and spent a good part of it dancing in our VIP section - it's also a very unique experience as you just know that women are looking and wondering about us. You really could feel it and if you looked you could see it. I did Payton's eye thing with a waitress who was serving the next section over from us and she just ate it up and we intermittently flirted with each other the rest of the night. For some reason I was having a hard time coming up with anything to say to the women who were brought up to our section (which, strangely enough, included probably the two hottest women in the place who were from Quebec City but who didn't speak much English) but not having this problem at all with any of the women I approached or with the two shooter girls I spoke with. I don't like to force conversation which I think makes me look weak or like I am pursuing them (something I don't like to appear to do - I always throw it on the women accusing them of trying to pick me up, as an example). Payton hit it off with one of the Quebec City girls but didn't engage her friend which led to them leaving. Something Payton usually always does is engage all the girls in the group so the others don't cock block but since there was a language barrier, he didn't do it with these girls and they ended up leaving. We saw a number of the women we had met on the trip previously, including the two that James had brought back to Daniel's hotel room on Wednesday, the five women from Niagara Falls/Buffalo that had been brought to us at Basic (only this time they were a group of 9 women and they were probably the best looking large group of women in the place. Payton told us to ignore them at first (the VIP section where we were was elevated and we were on the second or third level up, the club being somewhat coliseum circular style with seats similar to how you would see them in an arena) and then at one point he left the VIP section and went down to them and started joking with them. Not long after one of them, who was 19 and quite attractive, came up to our section alone and asked Payton what he was doing later. He asked her what she had in mind and she said that they weren't going to stay that long, which is also what they did at Basic. Payton had had her laughing and had done his usual hair pulling and joking with her about how she's talking with the best looking guy on the planet and she asked him if he would like to come back to their hotel. It was clear he was being invited to spend the night and he said he'd see later what's happening but she did give him the name of their hotel and room number. We also saw the two French Canadian girls who were in our VIP at Basic who also came and hung around for awhile in our VIP section. These two were very attractive, very young looking women but my instinct kept telling me that they were sluts - I had the gut feeling that they were hooking up with different guys pretty much every night they were there. James, however, feels this description was a bit harsh and pointed out that nobody from our group even came close to getting with either of them. When we were at Basic they hooked up with two staff members, and it seemed that they had come to the place with them specifically in mind. Tonight they seemed to be single again but I saw them play hard to get (which they did with us - Payton tried to twirl one of them but her wrist had apparently been sprained from some guy who grabbed it on another night when they were out. When he did this we both had the impression that she was acting annoyed at Payton's familiarity with her, but she twirled right away when he took her other hand and explained about the wrist to him). In any event they didn't stay long in our section and I saw them all over in different parts of the club and they left me with the impression that they would find their own entertainment for the evening there (and I saw the shorter one dancing with a buff guy later on in a very ‘receptive’ manner). Other than two particularly animated exchanges with two staff women there, my most notable encounter of the night occurred late. I was walking on the floor level when I walk towards this attractive Spanish looking woman who was leading a group of 4 other women who were behind her. We lock eye contact and I go right up to her and put my hand in her hair. She is very receptive and we start to talk and flirt with each other (I don't really remember much of what I said specifically, but I remember asking her things like does she always try and pick up the best looking guy in a club, and after we started dancing and grinding with each other how it's too bad she can't dance as sexy as I can, all of which got some big laughs. Something about them was giving my gut some questions, though, and I brought them all back to the VIP. Payton talked with the one I had met, and with one of the group who turned out to be her sister, and soon leaned over to me and told me they were pros. He said later he could tell as soon as he saw them but that when he spoke with one of them it was basically spelled out. I showed a clear drop in interest and told them it was nice meeting them and hoped they had a great evening. The one I had started with appeared pretty surprised but that just wasn't for me and it just confirmed what my gut was telling me. While I was bringing the pro and her friends up to the VIP area, a waiter brought James two girls. They immediately started grinding up and down his leg and he was thinking threesome till Daniel came in with a comment “I am so much better looking than James”. The girls looked at him, they looked at each other, and then they walked away. James told me later that this was the most frustrating moment of the whole trip for him, to be in such a good position and then to have someone totally blow it for him.)
James met a girl from El Salvador and we ended up leaving the club with her. However, when we got in the street she told James she was with her cousin and she wanted him to come with them. I don't know the specifics of what they talked about, but James at one point moved in to kiss her and she wouldn't let him (he had been kissing her all night in the night club. The issue was that she had to go home with her cousin. James later told me that she was very conservative based on her religious upbringing so it appeared that nothing was going to happen with her even without the friend. He felt it was unlikely he was going to have sex with her that night. We end the night back at the Taco Factory and then head back to our hotel around 4:15 am. Payton left and finally met his girl that he had picked up the month before, brought her back to the Hotel and spent the night with her. He saw Daniel the next morning at 7:30 at breakfast where Daniel had lost his credit card and he was trying to diffuse the situation.
It was Saturday and the reality that this is our last full day here is starting to sink in. Payton wants to see at least one of us get laid on this trip as there has always been at least one student who has gotten laid on his seminars. On my last Seminar with him we all got laid numerous times so Payton wanted to see us step up our game. We decide to head out to bars rather than clubs since all three of us felt that our best night was the one we went out to Pat O'Brien's. After dinner I suggest we have a recording session with Payton and we taped him answering questions and talking about pick up, energy, relationships and more and got a great session of information. It occurs to me that listening to that recording after or while reading this report will give a really great picture of our experience this week. Essential points that were brought up include three key elements to having good game - your body language, the words you say, and your touch. Your energy, enthusiasm and passion are critical to making you stand out from other men who talk to women. He also talked about the importance of smooth seduction, pulling her hair, getting very close then pulling away. He teases women in a physical manner, getting them so excited that they instigate the first kiss. After this taping which ended around midnight, we get ourselves together to head out and the plan is to go back to Pat O'Brien's and Margaritaville to start. While we are getting ready, James went over to the lobby bar and, as he explained to us the next day, he was opened by a 19 year old from Chile who spoke no English. She was there with her sister and her sister's boyfriend, but he escalated the situation quickly and was making out with the girl at the bar. James was a fast learner and this was a perfect example of that. Payton was just explaining how to do quick closes and how to get into smooth seduction as fast as possible. Smooth seduction involves getting really close to her, looking into her eyes, pulling her hair and saying things like "are you sure you have what it takes to get with a guy like me?" He kissed her immediately using Payton's tactics and ended up taking her to the beach and they got in the water after removing much of their clothing and James could have closed her but was expecting to get her back to either of their rooms. Unfortunately, when they got out of the water the sister (who spoke some English) explained that the unfriendly older man standing there glaring at him was their father, and that his girl was staying in the same room with the father. That essentially ended that, and James returned to the lobby bar and told us he ended up talking with a slender blond and her friend who was taller than he was until 3 am. While that was going well, circumstances didn't permit him to take that any further and around then he walked over to the Taco Factory to see if he could find us. We did go to the Taco Factory, but only got there after 4 am so we didn't see James the whole night. Pat O'Brien's was somewhat quiet but there were a few women there. There was one group of three very attractive women and Payton walked over to them and started talking with them. Payton explained that bar game is different from club game, as in bars there is no VIP section. So you adapt - he approached a lot that evening. The attractive ones included one dirty blond girl who was very done up and was in a white dress who told Payton she was from England. She definitely thought she was something special and Payton told her that every girl that he had met from England had bad teeth and was overweight. She smiled and showed her teeth so he said "Well, at least you have one out of two!" I had just entered the conversation and she goes to me "he just told me I'm overweight" with an astonished look on her face. These girls, who lived and worked in Cancun, really let us know that they were thinking too highly of themselves so we didn't end up sticking around long. I opened the "overweight" one (who was quite slender with very prominent fake tits) and told her that I saw her trying to pick up my friend so I thought I'd come over and try and help her out. We basically had them laughing and apparently enjoying themselves but they had a distracted air about them with limited attention spans. We left them and Payton opened up a blond who he saw had an attractive friend (Payton highly recommends opening up the less desirable friend first before going after your target) and had her really laughing before he quickly switched to her friend (the target) and started dancing with her, grabbing her hair and flirting. This time and another time with another woman at this same bar, though, the woman turned out to be there with her husband, both of whom stepped in at one point to mark their territory and demonstrate to us that they were quite lame. It was pretty clear that the opportunity to be with someone as fun and exciting as Payton was a rare treat for these women and it was a good illustration of how women marry "the provider" mostly because often they just can't get the fun guy that they really want to be with.
Pat O'Brien's was somewhat dead, although we did speak to probably every attractive woman who might have been single that was there (and a few who turned out to not be). One woman walked by Payton, never said anything to him, and smoothed out his hair! He was pretty surprised at this but it was obviously a sign that he had made his presence felt in the place. One of the married women asked him which hotel he was staying at and if it was far from the one she was at, a clear sign that she'd like to check out his hotel room if she could get away. Nevertheless, we left there and got into a cab after walking over towards Margaritaville (which was closed). The cab driver drove us to one club, which was busy but very Mexican, older and it wasn't an attractive crowd. From there we ended up back at The City and got VIP treatment again but it was significantly less busy than the night before. The staff brought over some women to our section, and that we saw one of the women who were with the group from Toronto who was in our section as well. It turns out she's been dating one of the staff members long distance (she lives in Montreal and had met the group at her hotel) for the last 9 months and was there alone to see him that night. There were a few of the shooter girls there from the night before and the ones we spoke to before, and a few new ones, who came over but nothing much happened with them. Payton approached a girl on the floor but she didn't speak English or Spanish so that ended quickly. Payton pointed out a girl sitting at a table alone and told me to go up to her and tell her that I saw her sitting all by herself and that I felt bad for her so I thought I would come over and keep her company. I did that but she was all dead energy, which I believe was due to the fact that I saw her joined by what was probably her boyfriend a few minutes later. We left the City, had some tacos headed back to the Hotel.
Sunday we spent a good deal of time sitting outside at the snack restaurant where Payton could work on his tan without sitting at the pool or the beach. We talked a lot about the week, what we had gotten out of the trip and Payton relayed some more of his various tactics and strategies. One that I thought was pretty interesting was how when he is getting a phone number from a girl as he's either entering it in his cell phone or someone is writing it down he'll go, "Who am I kidding? I'm not going to call you, if anything is going to happen it's going to be here, it's going to be now, it's going to be tonight...(then he'll put that devilish look in his eyes and wave his index finger in her face and say) You sure you have what it takes to be with a guy like me?" Often they will say something like "what do you have what in mind?" and he'll tell her he knows about this very exclusive after hours party where she'll see celebrities, movie stars and only important people. If she asks if she can bring her friends he'll tell her no that it's going to be hard enough for him to get her in. They aren't stupid though and will know what you are doing as you bring her back to your place - but you keep up the ruse insisting that she'll see celebrities at this special party without confirming or denying that this is your place. If she gets there and asks where the celebrities are, he turns on the TV! He talked about a situation where he had broken up with a long term girlfriend who moved away for about six months. He had replaced her with a new girlfriend but after six months the ex was returning to town and wanted to get back together with him. He was interested to keep her around, but he didn't want to get back together with her nor did he want to get rid of the new girlfriend (one of the things that I like about Payton is that he is a master at relationships as well as picking up girls which he calls the easy part. He has continuously been in relationships for the past 17 years and his relationship advice is second to none). I can't relate everything that he said because there was too much, but one key thing was how he went to see the ex and laid down the law that if she wanted a chance for them to get back together then she couldn't be with any other men and if he found out that she was, he would never see her again. But he was clear that they are not back together and while he wasn't promising that he wouldn't be with other women, she would simply lose her chance to get him back if she slept with another man. Now his description of her was that she was one of the highest paid models in Toronto, Eastern European, and that she has men after her continuously. I was intrigued by how ruthless he was about this, but his attitude is that all is fair in love and war.
Seduce and Conquer in Puerto Vallarta, Baby! - Nov. 2005
I have always been intrigued by what I have called the "dark side of
seduction", the game where being an asshole and a jerk brings surprising
results with very attractive women. The community has gotten a lot of flak
over every time someone dares to open this Pandora's Box, such as with
"negs" which have been greatly criticized by women and the mainstream (who
have been given more of a glimpse of this world of late through exposure in
things like Style's book The Game). Well Payton Kane
( takes the politically incorrect and
puts it front and center and has been enjoying great success with his
teachings. I have been intrigued by his CD's and from listening to his
weekly radio show (which you can listen to and which is saved online on his
website) and wanted to explore bringing out my own inner asshole. I have
known for awhile that one of my major sticking points has been that I just
need to open my mouth more and to add some more passion and enthusiasm to my presentation when talking not only to women but to everyone, and that I
am too much of a nice guy. A week of exposure to some of Payton's frenetic
energy seemed like a good new direction to improve my game. For those of
you unfamiliar with Payton Kane, he's actually been teaching men to be more
successful with women for almost 10 years now, but eight of those years
have been spent teaching a veritable who's who of celebrities and wealthy
individuals how to stop using their money to buy women's attention and
affections. A fortuitous initial contact with a wealthy industrialist who
became his first client and who then introduced him to about 70 other
love-starved philanthropists had started him off on his private practice
where he charges thousands for an evening out with him. On January 1,
2004, Payton created Seduce and Conquer and launched his 4 CD set which
outlines in detail his philosophy of how to be a man's man, which leads to
being a ladies man, how to win at what he calls the three stages of a
relationship with a woman, all laid out in his inimitable manic
style. Listening to those CD's you cannot help but be impressed with how
packed they are with information, how he hammers out his points
relentlessly, all at high speed in a non-stop barrage that aims to smash
away at your limiting beliefs of being Mr. Nice Guy. I had been talking
with Payton intermittently over the past few months and met up with him for
dinner in Toronto the last time I was there. Over a four hour, highly
enjoyable evening with him he mentioned his upcoming seminar that was to be
held in Cancun and I decided I had to check it out.
I arrive in Toronto by train at Union Station in the heart of downtown and
am met by Payton Kane in a white limo with the three other participants in
this seminar/vacation now to be held in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico as Cancun
had been badly damaged by the hurricanes. The other students are Jack (a
tall, well-built Ohio student who has been getting success from using
Payton's methods), Mark (aka Marky Mark) a hotel manager from Toronto who
also seems to have been getting good results from using what he has learned
from Payton over the last three years, and Ryan, a very cool dude from
Ottawa who also appears to do well with women. Ryan will demonstrate an
uncanny out of the box thinking about almost everything during the coming
days. Clearly this is an advanced group, who I discover as time goes on,
while they would like to learn appear to be equally interested in simply
vacationing with a wild man like Payton who treats himself and his students
to only first class treatment. Champagne flows in the limo as we are told
that this is a trip of champions and we are going to have one fantastic voyage.
Originally this trip was to have been to Cancun, but due to the hurricanes
there had been damage to the hotel we were to go to and the tourist trade
seems to have been put on hold while the area rebuilds. We would meet many
people in Puerto Vallarta who had to redirect their trips from Cancun as
well. Payton was majorly disappointed in not being able to go to Cancun,
where he knows his way around (he lived there for 4 years at one point) and
where the party scene dwarfs PV.
The flight down was very smooth except that Marky Mark, who is about 5'7
and 120 lbs., consumed a disproportionate amount of alcohol and became a
very bad drunk. He was hitting random people, telling everyone to shut up,
barely able to walk, hitting himself and being obviously disoriented. From
previous experience with the customs' officials in places like Mexico, this
behaviour was extremely dangerous to our trip - Mark could easily have been
refused entry to the country and put on the next plane back, arrested and
held for what is effectively a huge ransom to the authorities to be let
free, or otherwise hassled (including holding our whole group responsible
for his actions). Fortunately, Payton was able to manoeuvre our way out
through customs, through baggage claim, and out of the airport without an
incident. In what I learned was his usual style, we took a cab from the
airport to our hotel in order to get there before the other people who were
on our flight who were all taking the free shuttle bus to the hotel. This
permitted Payton to get to the front desk well before anyone else (even
though we were the absolute last people that went through customs as we
were trying to get Mark to straighten up his act) where some well placed
American greenbacks secured the best available rooms in the hotel.
I had asked around to some friends before leaving and the hotel he chose
was, I was told, where you wanted to be. It was right in the heart of the
hotel district and where there would be the most action. While this turned
out to be the busiest hotel in the area, the week started off with mostly
couples, families, and older groups and next to no single women to be found
randomly wandering about the premises.

We arrived at the hotel around 9 PM and after eating headed out to Carlos
O'Brian's which we were told was holding a thong contest that evening
(Monday). The contest was about equal to the level of quality in the
place, and really nothing to remark about. The place was busy but there was
a distinct lack of single women and a distinct plethora of single men. The
quality here also left a lot to be desired with the term "skanky" coming to
mind a little too frequently. The place reminded me of the Saddle Ranch in
Los Angeles, or Sir Winston Churchill's Pub in Montreal. Busy but not with
a lot of quality. Regardless, Payton opened up a number of sets and his
style is quite different from most of the other PUA's I have seen. He
teases women, slightly insults them, dismisses them, and essentially plants
seeds of stirred emotions all over the place, expecting to harvest some of
them later on. While he did manage to scrounge up a few moderately
attractive women, the vibe of the place was just not appetizing and we
ended up hoping into a cab and heading over to Zoobar.
This place was also not enjoying one of its stellar evenings, but the
quality level was clearly much higher. Payton tipped the doorman and got
us into a semi-secluded area as part of his emphatic request to the bar
staff to understand that his was a group of VIPs and that we needed to be
treated to the best of the house. This would become standard operating
procedure and we would be greeted everywhere by staff who recognized us,
appreciated the tips, and who were ready to do whatever Payton asked to
make us happy (that, I understood, would include having the doormen and
bouncers bringing over the most attractive women in the places to our table
to join us for drinks).
Near us, and met mostly through proximity comments, were two fairly
attractive women and a male friend of theirs. One of the women and the guy
were helicopter pilots who, during the season which this wasn't, would
conduct aerial tours of the city. They invited us to come back in December
when they are flying and they would show us the place when it is really
jumping. The second woman, Diana, was a waitress at one of the other bars
and the cousin of the female helicopter pilot. There was an attraction
between us and I proceeded to ignore her while she played a lot of little
games which Payton and I concluded were designed to draw our attention,
Which of course I wouldn't give her and this led to Payton remarking to me
that not only was she "ready" but she was really checking me out repeatedly
during the evening. At one point I sat next to her and used a great line
that Brian (The Brian that I interviewed and which should be considered a
"must read" - go to my archives and read the Special Edition - Brian
Interview now) gave me. I held up my drink to her and said I wanted to
make a toast. I said "Here is to one of the most beautiful women I have
ever laid eyes on... (at this point she smiled and leaned over to kiss me
on the cheek, and then I said)...and to you, too!" She burst out laughing
and had to tell this to her cousin and the guy they were with. Later on we
spoke for a few minutes but the words were quite secondary as I had my
hands all over her in a very intimate yet politically correct manner (eg. I
would cup her far cheek with one hand, which I would also move up to run my
fingers through her hair and caress her skull) while I spoke into her ear
on the other side of her head, and would graze her cheek and ear with my
lips as I spoke to her). She was clearly enjoying the tension that I was
sparking and caressed her body against me, as well as started to make
similar movements all over me when it was her turn to speak. She kissed me
goodbye and repeatedly told me where she was going to be the next night.
We ended up back at the hotel around 4 a.m. and I crashed out while the
others went for pizza. The next morning we met for breakfast followed by
some "seminar" which was held in the water at the pool bar. Payton's
actual instruction is, I learned, primarily delivered through demonstration
and the dearth of women at the hotel resulted in him saying that we will
see most of what he does when we go to Christine's, which is the top
nightclub here and which will only be open on Thursday through the
weekend. We spent the day at the pool and roaming the beach, negotiating
with various beach vendors trying to sell us everything from massages,
henna tattoos, freshly broiled and skewered Marlin and shrimp, to jewelry
and knock off designer sunglasses.
While most of us went to rest for the evening ahead, Jack was lying by the
pool and noticed this young Mexican lady looking at him. He looked away
but the next time he caught her eye contact, he smiled and immediately went
over to her. He asked her if she had any tanning lotion and after she said
yes he held out his hand as if to receive some of it. As she was about to
pour he pulled away and her hand ended up next to his back. She got the
message and rubbed the lotion into his back, and ending up giving him a
massage for a half hour. He eventually sat up and tried to break the
Spanish-English barrier but he found he had little to say to her so he said
"Come with me" and took her to go to his room. In the elevator he put his
hands on both sides of her face and kissed her. She put her hands on his
stomach as he was pulling her hair and he guided her hand down
further. Once in the room, she started grabbing him and he gently threw
her on the bed. She didn't want to have sex (she said tomorrow - obviously
not wanting to seem too easy) but gave him a bj.
This was not the end of Jack's adventures for that day. When we had gone
through customs in the PV airport, he had approached a group of women and
said to them casually, "Hey ladies, what's up?" and didn't get much
reaction so he looked away. The next day he saw one of them leaving the
pool area and he said "Hey, what's going on?" and she remembered him from
the customs line up. When she commented on that, he responded with "Where
are you going?" She said she was going back to her room to which he
responded, "No you're not, you're going with me to have a drink." She
said, "No, I have to go to my room." He said "No you don't, get your ass
over here and have a drink with me." After that comment, she came with
him. Once they started drinking he sat next to her and put his hand on her
leg. He had a few comments that connected, such as when he asked her how
old she was and she told him to guess, he got it right. Soon after he
started talking with her, he started playing with her hair. At one point
he made a joke about how she needs to get him another drink and then right
after he reached up, grabbed her hair and pulled it, and gave her a quick
kiss on the lips. In the conversation she said something about going to
the Jacuzzi so he said "Let's go!" and took her by the arm. She started
making excuses, how she can't, she has to get ready for dinner, etc. He
said, "What's with you girl, you have a beautiful idea and don't want to go
through with it?" Then he said "I understand you have some things to do so
let's just finish our drink" and he stood up abruptly as if he was
leaving. She said "No, no, sit down, I don't have to go
immediately." After that he grabbed her arm and said "Cut the shit, we're
going to the hot tub!" On the way there, and in front of the other people
at the lobby bar, he told her to shut up three times, but each time he did
that he kissed her. Of course when they got into the hot tub, things
started to get hot and heavy so he said "it would be nice to take a walk on
the beach." Once out there he laid out a towel (it was dark by this time)
and did her on the beach (he had been carrying around a condom after what
happened with the Mexican girl, so he was prepared).
Jack has been described as being a rank beginner when he first contacted
Payton and now is showing great results as well as tremendous promise for
the future. That evening, we were at a bar called Hilo and this very
attractive 22-23 year old Jennifer Aniston look-alike pretty much threw
herself at him. Payton had opened her friend who was sitting at the
section of the bar where we were stationed (Payton always arranges with the
doormen and staff a section where his party is based) and soon after she
was joined by that girl and 3-4 of their other girlfriends. I did a photo
routine with one of them and made out with her for a short time but didn't
pursue it. It appeared that Jack would be taking her home but her friends
dragged her away later in the evening. But her, as well as numerous others
that we met during the week, were all informed that Thursday evening we
would all be at Christine's, which is known as the hottest nightclub in PV.

Payton was very pleased with Jack's results and kept telling him that "he's
done" and saying "and then there were three" referring to the rest of us as
his intention is to have all of us closing before the end of the trip.
We didn't go over to the club that the girl I met the night before
mentioned (which was De Santos, and which we visited the next night - the
place was empty but we were told that the place, which was very classy, is
very hot during the weekend) but we did stop in at Club 69 which was the
bar that she works at. We stayed there for a little while and she and I
played the "ignore" game where we said hello to each other and then
pretended not to notice what the other was up to. We ended up leaving
there with nothing particularly notable happening.
Wednesday was spent shopping and Payton's experience as an image consultant
as well as his being fluent in Spanish and knowledge about how to deal with
Mexican vendors was invaluable. I ended up buying several items that I was
very happy to get, as did most of the others. In each place negotiations
were very productive and significant discounts were had by holding out for
a fair price. That evening we ate in the hotel restaurant that required
reservations (the trip was an all inclusive deal which includes all meals,
all drinks until 1 a.m., and all expenses relating to transport to and from
the clubs, club entry fees, etc.) and it was here that Payton continued to
explain a lot about his methods and strategies.
Payton believes his methods will never truly become mainstream because he
is pretty hard core. While other methods debate the pros and cons of
"negs", Payton goes quite a bit further. His method could be described as
about 60% asshole where he treats women the way hot women treat men. He
will tease them, gently insult them ("I like that top you are wearing, did
your grandmother pick it out for you?"), let them know that they should
only be so lucky to go out with a guy like him, dismiss them (one of his
favourite moves is to turn away and flip his fingers in a 'go away' sort of
manner to them), tell them "I don't think so" if they get a little too
friendly, and alternate this with what he calls "smooth seduction" which he
fractionates in a forward and backward pattern.
Payton had planned to take this night off as he felt that he needed to take
at least one night off from the late night partying and drinking but three
Red Bulls charged him up and he was raring to go. We headed back to Zoo
bar which was a sausage fest when we first got there but a little later in
the evening the energy changed and things started happening. I had been
strangely immobile for most of the trip and I decided to just get moving
and started opening up a number of sets. I opened up this very attractive
Latino girl who was there with two also very attractive friends, all of
whom worked at the Rio hotel. I was getting a lot of serious interest from
her but at one point instinct told me to escalate but my cautious nature
(which has caused me a lot of missed opportunities in the past) had me hold
off and soon after she excused herself to go speak with some friends and,
of course, that was the end of that. Ryan (nicknamed Rhino by now) came
over met one of her friends, and ended up making out with her for most of
the night. Payton started up with an attractive girl at the bar and she
was totally in to him, at one point pulling his zipper down! He was
pulling her hair, teasing her, pushing her away and pulling her back in,
touching her everywhere and she was extremely receptive. He lost the set
because her friend came by and her friend was into Payton also and ended up
cockblocking him because she wanted him for herself. Mark also ended up
making out with a girl that evening. I started up with a girl who was
going home to Seattle the next day named Selina. She was very attractive
and was all over me - the lasted about 20 minutes and when I told her let's
go over to another part of the bar (I was intending to sit down with her in
a more isolated section) she said she just wanted to tell her friends
something and that was the end of that as she ended up not
returning. Payton advised me that the next time things are going like that
and the girl says she just wants to tell her friends or leave for some
other reason (probably other than use the bathroom), to tell her "If you
go, sweetheart, do me a favour and don't come back." Always do to them
first what they are going to do to you.
We ended the evening around 5 a.m. with plans to hit Christine's the next
night and De Santos on Friday or Saturday evening.

Thursday was Thanksgiving in the U.S. and the effect at the hotel was
clearly an influx of new guests. It seemed that there would be a lot of
people in for the holiday weekend which would be a welcome change. While
we were managing to find a few sets, the quantity and the quality were, for
the most part, leaving much to be desired. Payton's voice was mostly gone
Thursday and we pretty much took it easy around the pool for most of the
day. We met up at 9 p.m. in the hotel lobby bar and again ate at the
better restaurant in the hotel where Payton shared a lot of talk on the
game. Payton's main points are to treat women the way they have always
been treating us, to turn the tables on them, tease them, lower their value
while making sure they know that you consider yourself to be above them,
that they "should only be so lucky" to have a chance with a guy like
you. The message keeps being installed through informal talks and watching
him in almost everything he does.
Payton was excited that we were finally going to Christine's, which is
reputed to be the hot spot in PV, and he had been there previously and knew
the place. While Christine's was a pretty good club with great energy,
this was a totally off night for that place. We had told most of the women
we had met throughout the trip that we would be there tonight, but none of
them showed up and the place was completely coupled up. Payton does not
typically meet women in clubs by the usual PUA approach and opening up
mixed sets and extracting women from them isn't quite his style. For
himself, these days he mainly will create a buzz in the place he is in and
then reel in the curious who watch the flickering of his flames. For
example, when we arrived at Christine's he immediately starts talking to
the doormen, wanting to meet the manager and letting them know that if
"they take care of him, he will take care of them" and that he wants a
great section for his VIP guests, and that they want to start with a bottle
of scotch. We are led by the staff to what we are told is the best booth
in the place, an elevated maybe 30-50 square foot platform that overlooks
the dance floor which is prominently exposed to the entire club. Payton
spent most of the next couple of hours dancing over the dance floor and
making eye contact with the various women all over the club while it filled
up. It was clear that his plan has the desired effect - we noticed a lot
of women checking us out with a "who are these guys?" look on their
faces. Payton's eye contact involves making that contact, and then being
the one to break it which he feels intrigues the women - this being
contrary to most eye contact theory which says that you hold that contact
and she should be the one who breaks it. He will make that eye contact
again with the women and smile and if the response is receptive, he'll hold
up his hand and beckon them to come and join him. If they retreat he'll
make a motion as if he's blowing them off and back turn them. Tonight a
woman who was dancing with her group in a similar booth kept staring and
smiling at him but when Payton motioned for her to come over, she mouthed
that she couldn't because she was with her boyfriend, but somehow got the
message for him to meet her at the bathroom entrance in a few minutes. He
went over there and she came up to him, didn't say a word and grabbed him,
started making out with him, grabbed his ass, and just as quickly broke the
embrace and scooted off into the ladies' room. As a general rule, Payton
doesn't approach for himself anymore because he says that "indifference
gets you laid" and he really doesn't care whether he does or he
doesn't. He goes out to have a good time and help his students, so his
methods of meeting women are quite different from the usual PUA
tactics. He is a strong critic of "pick up lines" and advocates making an
observation about a woman as the way to start a conversation, which should
be followed by teasing her. An example happened earlier in the day when
Mark stopped a young lady walking by our poolside chaise lounges where he
said to her "You call that a bathing suit?" You could see she was
immediately shocked and thrilled by the remark. Even though we had by now
two bottles of scotch invested in Christine's, we ended up leaving for the
area where Zoo Bar and Hilo are around 2:30 a.m. Payton had befriended the
doorman/manager at Zoo Bar and we were immediately escorted in and brought
to a reserved section. A little too quickly a bucket of Corona's were
ordered and we soon after realized that the place wasn't really happening
either. Payton and I walked over to Hilo where we ran into the girl that
Jack had made out with along with her group of friends from Dallas and we
talked them into coming back with us to Zoo Bar. The one that I had
briefly kissed had hooked up with some new guy that evening and he and his
friends tagged along, as did the cute but slightly chubby leader who, it
turned out, was celebrating her 24th birthday that night. While she teased
a few of us (at one point she was sitting on Payton's lap and started
grabbing my leg and working her way up to my crotch - I kept removing her
hand, telling her this stuff's not free and to keep her hands off the
merchandise but she kept at it until I stood up and moved away), Mark later
told us all to our surprise that he had briefly made out with her three
times that evening. I used a great line that I got from Style on her when
we were back at Zoo Bar and told her that she owed me $80. She asked what
for and I told her "for making her look good in front of her
friends!" Jack's girl dropped the guy she had been talking with when he
showed up and they resumed their making out throughout the rest of the
night - towards the end, Jack extracted her and went across the street to
the beach and, if not for a police officer trying to have them pay him to
not arrest them for fooling around on the beach, would have closed the
deal. The episode with the police officer was quite dangerous but Jack
cooly refused to let him push him around and got back to the bar without
giving in to the officer's threatening behaviour. But, of course, that
ruined the close (Jack was not to be denied that night, however, as when we
got back to the hotel at 5 a.m. he knocked on the door of the woman he had
closed earlier in the week, woke her up, and gave her the benefit of what
the other woman had aroused). The waitress from 69 bar was there also that
night, talking with her brother and another friend and I told her we would
be at De Santos the next night and she said she will be there.
Friday was spent hanging around the pool and at the snack bar where Payton
ended up giving us a mini-seminar in stripper theory. I have heard a lot
of guys talk about how they get strippers, but strippers are Payton's
specialty and it is absolutely clear that he is spectacular at getting them
and probably the best I have heard. This is the kind of woman who responds
best to the hard core seduce and conquer method, and Payton hits them with
all he's got. This talk was bursting with great information and a clear
explanation of his mastery in this area. He has a more holistic approach
than a targeted one as most others do, where he creates his own atmosphere
around him and busts the balls of all the strippers that come into contact
with him. They aren't going anywhere and he will dismiss them, insult
them, criticize and tease them so that they all know him soon enough in a
place. One critical move that follows what he does in regular clubs is
that he will prepare the staff for his appearance - for example, before he
goes out to the strip club he would call it up, find out who the owners and
the managers are (if they will tell him) and go and see them. He'll let
them know he works hard and wants to come for a drink with a view. He
makes sure that he gets his usual VIP treatment and will have a great table
with drinks when he goes. He basically assures himself that the senior
staff know that while he may be hard on the strippers, he doesn't touch any
of them (he makes it very clear he will never order a lap dance) and the
extent of his being an asshole only goes as far as a few harsh words. This
prevents him from running into problems from the dancers who inevitably
will complain to the managers about him when he insults them (often they
will complain for very minor things he may have said - which I actually saw
happen at one of the regular clubs here in PV with one of the waitresses -
complaints that are really unjustified but it comes down to your word
against theirs and if you haven't set the groundwork you can be thrown
out). Strippers will lie to the managers saying that you did things that
you haven't done, so having them on your side is key. The goal is to be
untouchable, and the girls learn to live with him being the way he is and
ultimately, like that sign that says wet paint on it that you shouldn't
touch, end up giving in to their curiosity. Another great bit has to do
with telling the girl that he'll give her a lift home - if she's up for it,
he then tells her that he will wait 15 minutes outside for her. But that
is 15 minutes, not 16 minutes, and in 16 minutes he is gone. This reminded
me of another great move of his when getting a girl's phone number - he
tells her, "Listen, babydoll, I am going to call you once, and if you don't
answer the phone I will leave a message. If you don't call me back soon
after, you will never hear from me again. You only get one chance with
me." This last one upped his conversion rate on phone numbers through the
roof. One thing I am learning that should be obvious as you read this is
that Payton is all about attitude - we hate it when women give it to us,
but they love it when we give it to them.
There was so much explained that I couldn't go into all of it here, but a
few sound bites immediately come to mind. When approached for a lap dance,
he will tell a girl no, that "she should only be so lucky to be privileged
to get naked in front of him," that she should pay him to watch her (or to
have him dance for her - he has had strippers take him up on that offer and
offer to pay him and take him back to a private booth; once there, however,
he would just grab them and start making out with them). Another great one
was when he'd be talking with one woman and another one would walk by and
he would follow the other one with his eyes. The one he was talking to
would get upset and say something to the effect of "Hey, you're talking to
me" to which he would reply "Yeah, but I'm not enjoying myself, or, "yeah
but you're depressing me" and just keep demonstrating how he has higher
value than she does in the situation. No matter how hot the woman is he'll
criticize her ("How did you get a job here, don't they have standards in
this place?" and "Man, I can see you have a lot of work to do" when
commenting on her appearance. She will usually want to know what he means
and he will tell her to call his secretary and make an appointment and that
he charges $500 an hour for image consulting.) Seduction, as Payton says,
is all about power and control.
Friday night was to be all about De Santos, a very cool looking
bar/restaurant that we had heard about from a few people. We head out
there at about 11:30 p.m. but there's not much happening so we head back to
Zoo Bar and Hilo. The reception at Zoo Bar from the staff is so warm that
it is clear that this is going to be our place for the trip. While we did a
number of approaches, this was a night where all of us were feeling drained
from having gone out every night since we had been here and then basking in
the sun during the day. The energy level was fairly low and I don't
remember any memorable episodes to report on.
Saturday we went out again to the shopping district. Everyone found some
great buys in either clothing or jewelry and we left some serious U.S.
dollars behind. Afterwards, we returned to the hotel for more sun and
informal "seminar" with Payton around the pool. Little did I know that
that night would impart the starting of a breakthrough for me.

As this was the big night of the week, I pulled out my best outfit - a
shiny black player shirt along with clear light blue shades that Payton and
the others flipped out about. Payton said that I can't go out like that
and not follow it up with the right attitude - the clothes scream "asshole"
and I need to live up to the path I was paving. Rhino had nicknamed me
"The Griffin" for some reason on this trip and all the talk was about The
Griffin this evening. We decided to head back to Christine's and give it a
second chance as it did have the reputation of being the best place. We
roll in like celebrities, our troupe a force to be noticed and we are
brought to the same prime booth as last time. Payton proceeds to order a
bottle of scotch and we are frequently raising our glasses to a "night of
champions" and making numerous alpha male gestures, high fives, & African
American style handshakes. The place started off fairly slow again, but it
was clear the female to male ratio was better than anywhere else we had
been on that trip. Payton opened a group of three Columbian women with
"Ladies! How are you this evening? Where are you from?" and "Aren't you
lucky to meet the most attractive man in this place tonight!"
He soon brings the three of them over and the most attractive of the three
immediately zooms in on me. Pretty much elbowing Payton aside she comes up
and wants to meet me. He had told them he was from New York (he was from
there years ago) and she asked him if I was also from NY to which he
replied "Him? He's from Montreal, he owns that place!" Which must have
raised her interest level although I wasn't aware that he told that to
her. The "You have no idea of who you are dealing with here and how lucky
you are to be talking to us" framework was not only in our attitudes but
directly said to these girls and they were eating it up. Two of them, the
sister of the one that went after me and their friend, spoke very little
English but the one I was talking to lives in San Francisco so she was
fluent in English. I had a little trouble getting her name right (I ended
the questioning about this still unsure if it was Sanda or Zanda) so I told
her I was still not sure what it was so I will call her "Baby" and she said
"that works!" Payton pulled me aside several times to tell me to be more
of an asshole with her and it was great experience to have him there as I
tried different things on her, all of which only served to up her
attraction to me. I was touching her all over as I talked (usually in a
borderline politically correct manner, such as cupping her face so that I
could guide her head while I talked into her ear). I started running my
fingers through her hair and at one point a photo was taken and apparently
I was pulling her hair when it was shot, but the shot came out with her
head down and one arm up. So I negged her with, "what is this? Why were
you smelling your armpit when we were taking pictures?" and she said that
she wasn't that I had been pulling her hair. She asked me "You like
pulling my hair?" and I said "yes" and then she asked why. So I told her
that in the animal kingdom when the lion mates with the lioness he takes
her by the mane, and she just loved that. So did the guys when I told them
after that I said that. I surprised myself several times with my telling
her about my value in the situation, as in "Now you are having your best
night since getting here because you met us." The attitude, "you are so
lucky to be talking to me" was starting to permeate my thoughts and
behaviour. It was clear that the more ego I showed her, the more she
smiled and liked it. She said at one point that she was sure she was going
to have a sore throat in the morning because she was smoking and drinking
(actually I forget exactly the reason) so I took her head in my hands,
looked her straight in the eyes, and told her that tomorrow, when she wakes
up in bed, she's going to think of this moment, with me looking right into
her eyes, and she's going to remember that I told her that she was not
going to have a sore throat. She then asked me "well, what if I still wake
up tomorrow and I have a sore throat?" Then I said, "Well, then you'll
turn over and tell me you still have a sore throat and I'll see what we can
do about that!" She told me several times, with a huge smile, that I am
such a bad boy. Another thing I did (kudos to Bishop for this old one) was
every time she would make a remark to the effect of "why do you think I
would like that?" when it had to do with some egotistical remark I would
have made to her, I would say "You seemed like an intelligent woman!"
She was there despite having broken her leg which was in a cast under her
jeans (it was quite remarkable, because if you looked at her legs the jeans
looked slim yet I touched her leg and it was in a solid cast underneath) as
she said she had fallen off a horse. The friend, however, told one of us
that she had been injured in a terrorist attack. But because of this she
was quite immobile - I would have liked to move her on to the dance floor
and/or isolate her from the group and make out with her, but she literally
had to be lifted up and down the platform we were on.
At around 4 a.m., myself and the three women walked from the platform
towards the exit, stopping at the bar which was just before the hallway to
the exit. She kissed me good bye and gave me her email address in order to
send her copies of the photos I took. I told her that she would have to
invite me to see her in San Francisco which she enthusiastically said she
would when she returns from Bogota, to which she was going directly from
PV. It turned out that none of the women said good bye to any of the other
guys except me (which surprised me because Ryan kissed the sister a few
times and they had gotten along well with all of us, especially Payton who
they complimented to me during the evening). The friend surprised me by
telling me that I was a "very handsome man". I couldn't figure out how to
escalate the situation - I didn't get the right vibe about making out with
her so I just kept the tension sizzling by continually touching and
teasing. I didn't see her leaving her sister and long time friend to go
home with me - this was just not going to happen is how I read the
situation. So that is how it ended. Around 4:30 a.m. we walked back to
the hotel which was not that far from Christine's. We walked past a pick
up truck that backed into a cement sidewalk edge (hard to exactly explain
as the roads are somewhat different there than in North American cities and
this was a large block of cement that was probably knee-high) which was
filled with Mexicans - there was a police car nearby with their lights
flashing and between the two vehicles we thought at least one of them was
going to cause us trouble which fortunately did not happen. We arrive back
at the hotel around 4:40 a.m. and, led by Rhino, we hopped in a cab and
went all the way back out to Zoo Bar which was still very busy. In the
end, however, not much happened at Zoo Bar but we left and walked about 10
blocks around 5:45 a.m. to an all night taco stand. Payton was plastered,
having ordered two bottles of scotch at Christine's and a bucket of Coronas
at Zoo Bar. This was the first time I saw him wasted, despite having
consumed prodigious amounts of alcohol on each of the other nights. The
guys were hungry and there is very little that is open at that hour. We
made it over to the taco stand and the jokes about Montezuma's Revenge were
continuous. I wasn't hungry and I was also very leery about eating from a
run down taco stand in Mexico (we've all heard about the dangers inherent
in eating the wrong things over there) so I passed but the other guys raved
about how these were the best tacos they ever ate and the four of them
devoured 33 of them at 7:00 a.m. Sunday morning. We finally returned to
the hotel around 7:30 a.m. and we, again led by Ryan, went over to the
breakfast buffet which opened at 7 a.m. We ate breakfast and I finally
went back to my room a little past 8 a.m. I managed to sleep until about
noon and when I went back out there, I found Payton and Ryan at the snack
bar (where they pretty much only serve burgers and hot dogs). It turned
out that they never went back to their rooms and had been there all
morning. I joined them while Payton polished off a "triple" (yes, three
patties) and Ryan held in a massive bowel movement (or so we were told)
while he took more notes on what Payton was telling us. One thing we
talked about was how Payton has a great passion for what he does and how he
gets a great thrill out of seeing his students succeed. It is clear he
finds what he does very rewarding and that he truly cares that his students
succeed, in fact probably more than any other PUA guru that I have
seen. He encourages his students (those, of course, who have purchased his
ultimate package and are entitled to do so) to call him and he personally
counsels them on the phone.

Sunday evening started off with dinner with Payton and another impromptu
seminar at the table. Much of what Payton goes over are details filling in
a lot of specifics relating to his seduce and conquer framework which is
presented in his CD's. To PUA's familiar with the relatively consistent
community advice, his theories may seem counter-productive. For example,
his advice on the first date appears to be very mainstream on first
listen. However, this is all part of a very elaborate master plan to have
her fall in love with you and be completely under your control. I can't go
in to all the details of how this works, but to give you a basic idea the
first date (which, it is important to note, he recommends that you reserve
for only those women that you feel truly deserve such an effort) - there
are very few that Payton will give this privilege to now, but still insists
that he closes on 7 out of 10 of his first dates, and he will close the
remaining ones who he didn't close on the first date shortly
afterwards. His first date is designed to fulfill a woman's fantasy of
what a great date is supposed to be - he takes control, orders for her at
dinner, tells her to wear an evening gown (or if she doesn't have one, must
look absolutely spectacular for him as he has a reputation to maintain and
if she wants to be with him she has to get with the program). Payton says
that the first date must include alcohol - stay away from coffee dates,
movies, etc. and either take her for drinks or the full out dinner
date. When you are at your destination, you must during that phase, kiss
her. There is nothing more awkward and uncomfortable for both of you than
that end of the date moment. Among other gems of advice I got from him was
about age - he will usually ask a woman how old she is in the third or
fourth question he asks her. If she was not born in the 80's he will tell
her that he's sorry, but she's too old for him and let her fight to meet up
to this challenge as he starts ending the meet or the date as the case may
be (keep in mind that Payton's dates are all very hot attractive women who
are not used to this kind of treatment). He will after some prompting say,
well, maybe he'll consider making an exception if she sounds interesting
enough. If she was born in the 80's, he will typically tell her his age to
be anywhere from 3-10 years older depending on his read of the situation.
This brings up one of the criticisms I had about his methods as he
advocates lying to women about certain things. I mentioned this to him
(mostly because I am aware of others who date multiple women and are
completely honest with them about this and this works if you know how to
present what you say - so, to me, he could accomplish the same things
without the dishonesty). He was glad I raised this point because he said
that while he could be honest with them, when you do that they are
basically free themselves to date multiple guys which he believes they are
doing anyway. Payton clearly doesn't believe women and says explicitly
that they are bigger players than men, they are much better at the game
than we are, and that they are bigger liars. Secondly, if he's caught or
the situation warrants it, he will tell them the truth with a "who cares
what they think anyway" attitude which typically intrigues them even
more. An example of this is with one girlfriend he has who brings women
for threesomes is that there is supposedly a rule that he's not supposed to
kiss the other woman. Of course, Payton will always break that rule which
pisses the girlfriend off but she continues to bring new women
afterwards. The truth of it all, which he agreed with me about, is that
their whole "monogamy" game is most of the time just a means to try and
control you but has no basis in reality. Women are all attracted to the
guys who are popular, the guys who have all the women. The old expression,
"a man is free when he is single and a woman is free when she is married"
comes to mind - Payton points out that if you listen to 99% of the songs on
the radio they are about some woman who's broken some guy's heart, cheated
on him, left him, etc. but rarely are there any songs the other way
around. Men are the nice guys who are being abused and seduce and conquer
is the way to turn the tables and empower yourself, to improve yourself and
live life to the fullest. Seduce and conquer is not only about having all
the women you want wrapped around your little finger, it is about changing
your life to see the possibilities that escape most men in all aspects of
their lives by living with supreme confidence and constantly striving for
the best in everything that you do.
After dinner, we headed out to Hilo where there was $30 all you can drink
cover charge per person. However, when we got there, the doormen welcomed
us in "no charge" for all of us as we are buddies with the guy over at Zoo
Bar. Obviously, our VIP status was starting to pay dividends and who knows
what other benefits would have accrued had we stayed longer. Hilo was
pretty busy, but continuing a theme that has plagued us since we arrived,
there were very few single women - women were all with guys or in groups
with guys. I opened an attractive Latino but she replied that "no habla
englese" and another one (who Payton saw me open and claimed that her body
language and smiling were very receptive) to me had nothing to say in a
manner which made me think she was just going through the motions of being
polite. I asked her if she was always this much fun, then ended it by
saying (and voice tone and facial expressions are very key parts of this)
"well nice to meet you, buh-bye!" as I started on that path of always
leaving them with some strong impression of you. Usually it is women who
blow you off - Payton's way is make sure they don't forget you (which can
be a very polite exit, it all depends on the situation. Here I was feeling
she was playing uninterested with me so I wanted to be the one to end it
and leave her sitting there feeling like a doofus instead of me walking
away feeling like she had something I wanted and that I wasn't going to get
it). We left Hilo after awhile and headed over to Zoo Bar where Jack's
girl was there with her friends. She was mad at him (and called him an
asshole when they ran into each other in the hotel elevator earlier in the
day) because she told him to come to her room - understood to be for a
booty call - when he got back in from his night out the night before but he
was tired and just went to sleep instead. Again, however, nothing much was
happening at Zoo Bar so we ended up, at about 3 a.m. walking quite aways to
hop in a cab to go to Hysteria, a strip joint. Payton prepared us that a
strip joint in Mexico is basically a whore house and not like what we see
in Canada. However, the place did look very similar to what I had seen
before in Canada and Payton remarked that this was a pretty tame
place. When we walked in, one of the girls there practically attacked
Payton, kissing him and being very excited to see him. I had opened this
girl at Zoo Bar a few nights earlier but she seemed to connect with Payton
and they had spent some time talking. It turned out that she was a
stripper and we just happened to stumble into the place where she was
working. She was with another friend who was also very warm in her welcome
to us and they told us to come sit with them later on. We were placed in a
corner booth - it was just four of us as Jack was tired and low on cash and
decided to return to the hotel. As we were sitting, a girl in a black
cocktail dress (who we also had met briefly at Zoo Bar with the other girl)
came in and proceeded to immediately sit on Rhino's lap. Rhino was doing a
lot of what he had learned this week and kept pushing her away. Payton
told me when she left briefly that she had complained to him that she
wanted to sleep with Rhino but that he had his nose in the air. In any
event, the first girl came back a little later on and started grinding on
Payton, making out with him, and postioning herself in some very
compromising postures in front of him. (It should be noted that there was
never any question of any money being paid, drinks being bought, or
anything of that nature happening between these girls and Payton and
Rhino). Later on, Payton would remark that Rhino played the situation as
good as he would have done it himself. At 4:30 a.m. I decided I had enough
so I left them and hopped in a cab. It really looked like they were going
to have a foursome but the next day it turned out that Payton's girl had
promised to see some friends at another place (an after hours place we had
heard about that was open until 11 a.m.) and Payton just blew her off after
that. Rhino's girl was all over him, making out with him, grinding on him,
etc. and then at one point, inexplicably, just stood up, went into the
back, got dressed and left. It was like it was lost in the overtime, and in
the end nothing happened.
Monday arrived with the sad realization that the week was over and that we
would soon be leaving PV for the flight home. Again we took a cab to the
airport which resulted in us being in line at the airport in front of the
huge contingent that arrived after us on the complementary shuttle
bus. While waiting in the gate area at one of the restaurants, Payton
answered more questions which again clarified a lot of his theories as
outlined on his CD's. Rhino and Mark were again making furious
notes. Payton awarded Jack the "MVP Award" (3 girls in one day was the
best performance of the trip by far), and said I get the "Most Improved
Award." He outlined one of his favourite lines: "I love a woman who knows
what she wants and knows how to
get it." It is very important to deliver this line with power and strong
eye contact. He explained that his next major product is going to be
Seduce and Conquer 2.0 which will be filled with advanced material, and
which he will want anyone buying to have his main CD's first. The advanced
material will include powerful confidence moves, such as how he often will
enter a hot, popular club and very loudly announce "Ladies and Gentlemen,
let the party begin Payton Kane has arrived!" and similar broad, powerful
moves designed to establish your higher value and attract attention to you
- and let the women wonder who is that guy and convey that they should only
be so lucky to meet him and spend some time with someone like him.
Payton had caught a cold on this trip and was at his sickest for the flight
home. The flight was smooth and uneventful (although Rhino thought it
would be funny to slip a piece of gum into Payton's mouth as he dozed, an
opinion Payton did not share) and we soon found ourselves back in Toronto
with reality of this trip's finality becoming more and more imminent. I
was returning from Union Station by train so I took a cab back alone with
Payton and we talked about his thoughts on the trip. He was very thrilled
to see the changes that I had undergone from the beginning of the trip to
the last days and told me that I would see my state go up and down as
things get integrated. He said, again, that getting an understanding of
what he teaches usually happens pretty quickly and once it does you have to
never go back to the old way - life is so full of great experiences and so
much more enjoyable this way but you have to keep your state. You come to
understand the frame and filter all your responses back to women from this
perspective, which compounds your own self confidence. By following the
being a man's man principles you will live life large and everyone will
respect you and seek you out. By being a ladies man and giving women
attitude which they love and respond to, you will have all the women
wanting you. Your life will become the kind of experience most people
dream of but never achieve. And he gets his greatest satisfaction by
helping good guys turn their lives around to share in this fantastic
potential. He mentioned how he has some of his private clients who have
exceeded his game and will go out with him and tell him that they "will
show him how it's done!" He believes that all men have this potential
within them, those that make the effort to improve themselves should be
congratulated and he thinks there is nothing you can do that is better than
to try and improve yourself. His method, as he says, does not involve
using pick up lines, routines, hypnosis, etc. but is in sparking the
attitude and perspective of power and supreme self confidence that will
draw everyone around you to you. He breaks down the game into three phases
- meeting and attracting her, after you've slept with her, and getting into
a relationship with her. And for each of these phases he has a very well
thought out (and devious) game plan which challenges women and gets them
chasing you. Listening to his CD's after spending a week with him makes
you notice a lot of subtle things that, even though you may have heard them
before, hit you in a new way. His CD's are so packed with information you
cannot help but pick up a wide range of ideas, and his eagerness to answer
your questions, to guide you to success and have each and every one of his
students succeed, make his product stand out and is cheap at the
Special Report:
Seduce and Conquer Stripper Seminar With Payton Kane . May 2007
I arrived in Toronto Thursday morning and went to dinner with Rhino and Payton at one of Payton's favorite restaurants in the suburbs. Following this spirited reunion, we headed over to one of Toronto's better known strip clubs. It was a dead night there, but we spoke to a lot of dancers that evening. As usual with Payton, we get the VIP treatment and spent some time in the VIP room, where women were coming in and out regularly. Payton had some conversations with a number of the dancers, most starting off fairly low key. His usual style is to tease them - for example, one of them had a husky, almost male sounding voice and he teased her to see if she was really a woman. He seemed to turn this into an entire conversation, and managed to do it in a way that was light and not annoying (of course, with a voice like that she wasn't of any real interest and he ended up sending her away). He met two very attractive dancers, one Hungarian one who was very thin (he teased her about being skinny) and another blond who started talking to him about her clit. It was my observation that Payton's demeanor and presence registers with women fairly quickly and they seem to offer him the keys to the kingdom easily - most of the time that I have been with him when he has met women, they seemed to like him almost immediately and opened up their conversation quickly. Personally I would say that I have had a similar experience in that, over the years, as my own skills have improved I have found that the first reactions of women have been more receptive. At Payton's level, however, they seem to frequently come on to him very early in the interaction. The Hungarian, probably about 24 years old, very attractive, ended up the night by asking Payton for a lift home. I haven't heard of too many strippers asking a customer they met that same evening for a ride home. Payton told her he'd wait for her 15 minutes but we left after she went to change. He said that she will be mad that he stiffed her, but she'll be thinking about him a lot after that. Who turns down an opportunity to drive a woman like that home late at night? This will intrigue her, he said, and he'll have easy pickings the next time he goes there. The blond dancer he spoke to soon after the conversation started began talking about her clit and her orgasms to Payton. She later on (after this conversation was long over) kissed him on the lips and again started talking about her clit completely unprompted. Talk about planting seeds - this was a harvest ready to be reaped.
The next day we head out to another strip joint, this one in the suburbs. We see this thin blond in jeans and heels yelling on her cell phone outside the place as we walked up to the door to enter. "He's not worth it, girl" Payton says, "you have the best guys in Toronto right in front of you!" She laughs and agrees and we go in. The place is really dead but we go in and sit in the VIP section which overlooks the stage. A number of women come around, several of whom know Payton.
At one point I left the group to go in the room where they had a computer and free Internet for the customers. There was a hot blond typing on the computer and fully clothed woman in the room (she had a nice body, but was somewhat older and really not my type at all). I ask the blond if she will be long (showing zero interest in these women) and she says she'll be off it soon. The other one says that "there's enough time for me to get naked for you!" I look at her with attitude and say "You should only be so lucky to get naked for a guy like me!" She says, "what makes you so special?" I say, "Can't you tell, just look at me, girl!" She says she can't tell anything and why do I think she should be able to tell anything? I say, "Well, you looked like an intelligent person, I thought you would figure that out!" She says, "You're right, I am an intelligent woman, that's good that you noticed that." At about this time the blond gets up, being done with the computer, and the other one tells me to "go ahead." I sit down and totally ignore them - the clothed one later on came over to our table.
I use it for awhile and then when I come back to Payton and Rhino, a blond sits next to me and another one (with dirty blond hair) sits next to Payton and Rhino. I developed some rapport with the blond who's name was Roxanne, she was fairly attractive and somewhat intelligent. She had studied gourmet cooking and had aspirations to be a chef in an expensive restaurant or hotel, and has an 18 month old son. I asked questions about her son and this seemed to amp up her interest dramatically. She said she was single and had been for some time, explaining that she finds it very difficult to find someone she really connects with (which for her meant pretty much immediate chemistry). On top of that, she's a single mother and a stripper so finding someone is not easy. She was originally from Montreal and that since she had her kid she's been working long hours and not going out which also made meeting someone difficult. When I asked about all the men she must meet while dancing, she said that the men she meets in the bar are usually not what she looks for (for example, they try and impress her with material things or they aren't interested in really getting to know her). Our conversation went on for some time. We were at one point joined by "Destiny," who was the stripper we met outside the club as we came in. Roxanne had to go on stage during the time she spent with us and Destiny (apparently spontaneously since this was the middle of the afternoon) went on stage to join her for a few minutes during which they did a short lesbian scene and Roxanne ate her out. When that was over they came back to our table and Destiny remarked that she doesn't do that with many women (which was hard to believe as she was somewhat skanky in my opinion) but that "Rox really knows how to eat pussy." I read Roxanne's hand at one point which revealed that she's cheated while in relationships (which she confirmed) and she told me that she is not with her ex (the father of her kid and who still did bang her about 2 months ago) because he was cheating on her (seems like they were a good match to me).
A tall, somewhat muscular (but slender) blond walked past our table and I asked Roxanne if that was a man. This elicited a tremendous response from her - she loved that I put down another stripper. Payton later told me that dissing another stripper is music to most of their ears.
When she left to use the bathroom, Payton and Rhino started asking me if I was going to do her as it appeared to them she had great interest. I think what was happening there was that I was showing interest in the conversation, being sexual but not really directed to her (which probably came across as challenging) and which resulted in a good sexual tension between us. I really wasn't thinking about any outcome and I wasn't hitting on her but showing that I was a strong man interested in our conversation. When she came back, at one point she asked if I wanted a dance and I told her I wasn't her customer. She said she kind of knew that but figured she would ask anyway. Towards the end of the conversation she took my phone number and said she'd call when she comes to Montreal. She spent probably four hours with us and did not make any money from us. Payton also connected with her (as he seemed to with all the strippers there) and on the way out (in a way that I wouldn't hear) she told him she'd like to go to dinner with him next week.
The important points that I picked up from the stripper seminar were similar to what Payton does with other very attractive women. Tease them - bust on them for what they are wearing or what they are doing and don't be their customer. Be very positive, fun, and confident. She should only be so lucky to anything with you. If things start not going your way, get rid of her - you tell her to go away and turn your back on her (one of Payton's credos is, "rejection gets you laid"). When you start to see the genuine interest coming from her, you move to "smooth seduction" where you talk lower and more intimately with her, touch her (especially her hair, which is to be caressed and pulled), and you gauge her receptivity to each of your escalations as you move forward.
One of things Payton does with all strippers and with all the attractive women he speaks to is his obvious use of eye contact. He uses a lot of eye contact when he talks to girls and even tells them, by pointing into their eyes "look at me when I'm talking to you girl" This powerful eye contact and the way he touches her quickly takes the conversation into a sexual place, even though nothing sexual is being discussed. Then, he starts touching her hair, sometimes pulling it hard and tells them "I love to pull hair, you sure you can handle it?" He quickly escalates his conversation, from talk, to touch, to teasing and a prelude to what might happen if she gets intimate with him. He does this in less than 5 minutes of speaking to her.
Women respond tremendously to eye contact, touch and most importantly the confident and powerful manner that these 2 attributes are delivered. He pulled the hair of every girl he spoke to and they all started coming on to him. He talks and teases women in a way to get them chasing after him, then, after she wants him, he starts pushing her away. Making her want him even more! He takes the concept of push and pull to a whole new level. Where most guys use it to instigate rapport or to create some type of interest, he does it after she is already interested. He rejects her after she wants him and that gives her a challenge that is embedded so deep in her that she will do anything to be with him.
A good example of this is how he gets strippers to buy him drinks. Every girl he picked up that night bought him a drink. One of the girls even bought ALL of us a round of drinks. He flips the game around and does it so well that women, come on to him, buy him drinks, try to make out with him and even ask him to go home with them! He becomes the prize. He essentially becomes the woman and the woman becomes the man. They start doing all the pathetic things most men do to them, putting him in the easiest position to get whatever he wants, however he wants it. They are coming onto him. They are buying drinks for him and even his friends. They are asking him out and they are trying to kiss him. Sound familiar, Gentlemen?
If you want to learn how to pick up bartenders, strippers, models and porn stars, there is no one more qualified than Payton Kane. Highly recommended!
Seminar/Vacation Report:
Seduced and Conquered in the Dominican Republic, Baby! - May 2007
We're at it again! This time, Payton Kane and a small, select group (Rhino, myself and first timer, Adam) head out to Sosua in the Dominican Republic for a week of mainly vacation.
Payton hasn't been in the DR for a long time and does not know his way around like he does in Cancun, where he lived for 6 years and has been back and forth there maybe 150 times over the years. So it will be a trip of exploration for all of us.
The trip starts with my arrival in Toronto. Payton picks me up and we meet with Rhino and then go off to buy some last minute items to take with. Payton reveals a few little known secret places to shop and he and Rhino pick up a number of items - I had already bought what I need for the trip but there were several tempting items at surprisingly low prices.
From there we ended up having dinner at one of Payton's favorite restaurants followed by a short trip to a strip joint with the intention of having a drink and calling it an early night.
Once in this place, though, Payton ran into several strippers who greeted him warmly. We went after into the VIP section where Adam ran into this stripper he had met before when he went out with Payton. She was all over him and he kept, in true seduce and conquer style, pushing her away. There was no question she wanted to leave with him but Adam had received a call earlier from an old girlfriend who he hadn't seen in quite some time who was going to be at this club downtown with a few of her friends.
Things were going really well in the strip club and both Payton and my intuition were saying we should stay there, but we went along with Adam's request to hit this skeezy bar on College where we met Adam's girls. They were both unattractive and within minutes we knew we should ve stayed at the strippers. Even Adam was disappointed (but he hadn't seen these girls for over a year so was not sure what to expect). Under no circumstances should you let women call the shots, something Adam learned from this.
Payton also noticed that the scotch they served him wasn't Johnny Walker Black, and made a point of complaining. Rhino tried it as well and it was quite obvious the bar was pulling a scam. The manager came over and refunded the money, and on the way out we overheard one of the bouncers saying to another "those are the guys who knew it wasn't Johnny Walker."
We head out to the airport about three hours before our flight. We were flying out of the new Terminal 3 in Pearson International Airport and when we got there we were greeted by a huge line up. Even though this was a new terminal, it seemed that if you arrived late for your flight you still had to get into that line and wait; in other words, despite being a place with new design and technology, this obvious recurring problem hasn't been dealt with in any new effective way.
There were a few announcements where they took people out of the line if they were waiting for certain flights, but it seemed to be a lot more manual than it should be - you either had to lose your place in line (if you were alone) or have some stranger watch your place and your bags while you seek out someone who can tell you if you can go to the front of the line or not, or you had to be around and hear the individual who may be looking for anyone from this or that flight.
In any event, while in line we spoke with a much older woman who was flying from Toronto to Gibraltar to do some very adventurous exploring. Rhino got a picture of me talking to her and the joke was that they would get a collection of these photos this trip (me with much older, unattractive women) and Payton would post them on his website. Fortunately that wouldn't speak well of Payton's training results, so I don't think that's going to happen.
Also while in line, Payton started up with two attractive girls who remembered him from Cancun (but it was not the trip I went on with him). They were also flying to the DR, but were staying in a different city.
Payton noticed another attractive young lady while we were waiting at the gate but we didn't get a chance to talk to her. He had asked for 4 aisle seats for us with the hopes that some of us would get seated next to some attractive women. Adam got seated next to the most attractive girl that we had noticed at the gate, with her friends in the seats directly behind.
Payton and I were seated near each other, but three of the seats (including mine) were center seats. Payton is tall and sitting in the center is very uncomfortable as he isn't able to stretch his feet out. He managed, however, to trade seats with the person who had the aisle seat next to me. Next to me at the window was Joanne, who I started up with as soon as I sat down. While Joanne wasn't exceptionally attractive, she wasn't totally unappealing and it quickly became clear that she's a lot of fun and has a very outgoing personality.
We knew the trip was going to be good because we were already off to a flying start. One of the flight attendants had some attitude and we broke her down in no time, which caused her to become more pleasant and joke around with us. She enjoyed us so much she kept coming back and provided us with excellent service.
Adam worked the girl next to him perfectly the entire flight, and we were surprised he didn't end up in the bathroom with her. She suggested we meet them at some club called Mangu.
Over the course of the flight, Joanne consumed at least 6 Vodkas and became more and more friendly. Besides getting the girls going across the aisle from him, Payton got some action from the girl beside me. A good friend of hers is involved in a radio station in the Dominican Republic and she was very interested to find out about Payton's radio show. She wanted him to come visit her at the station and go on the air.
Payton said that if he came on their show, she would have to come on his show and go topless. She said she didn't need to wait to go on the radio to go topless and started to provocatively display her bra and soon her boobs to the two of us (remember, I am in the middle between the two of them).
At one point she had one breast out and Payton asked her if she could lick her own breast, which she did. Payton was about to lick it himself when the flight attendant came over and told her to straighten her chair out as we were getting close to landing.
I had loaned her a pen to fill in one of the immigration forms and she lost it. We were looking all over for it when Payton suggests it may be in her bra so she started fondling her breasts again and pulled one of them out. We still couldn't find my pen so I told her we may have to look in her pussy for it and she started to pull her pants down!
But that stopped in the middle and in the end I found the pen on the floor. She is involved in a restaurant in the DR, travels down there about once a month, gave us a list of places to go and places to avoid and we talked on getting together with her while we were down there. It seemed like we had connected with someone who could direct us to some good food and good partying, and who Payton would have some fun with once back in Toronto as she will be on our return flight (he'd have to lower his standards to do this, however).
Before we were to get off the plane, she had mentioned a few times wanting us to meet her friend who was meeting her at the airport and who works with her at the restaurant. When we were getting off the plane, she seemed to really rush away and it appeared to me that she had sobered up and became a little uncomfortable with how forward she had been.
All the other girls also quickly disappeared from the airport, and we found out the reason why later. Before we even landed we felt this was going to be a crazy week.
It appeared to be off-season when we arrived, as there were only two other people besides us getting on the shuttle bus to our hotel, the Casa Marina Beach & Reef Hotel in Sosua. While this was only a three star hotel, Payton had done quite a bit of research on this place on the net and it seemed to be a very popular spot, well located near all the night life and central to the action that is going on there.
Our flight arrived in just enough time to get to the hotel to have dinner before the kitchen closed.
After dinner we headed out to the nightlife area, which was a short walk from the hotel. We heard that many of the local women would be chasing us for money, but I don't think any of us were prepared for what we encountered. The first hint happened as we were walking getting closer to the club we were going to - a guy was walking towards us with his arms around two women. One of the women, as I passed her, grabs my balls!
From there women are coming up to us relentlessly, smiling, flirting, touching, dancing, you name it. While on the surface the place we were in looked like a fairly common disco/nightclub filled with a lot of people (including a lot of attractive women), it seemed that every girl was on a mission to pick us up. I lost track of how many times women approached me that night - they were extremely grabby and some incredibly persistent. It took little time before we realized avoiding eye contact was key as without this they were somewhat less aggressive.
After a bit of mingling we got a table overlooking the upstairs and downstairs. This somewhat shielded us from the throng of ladies.
Payton found this hot 19 year old who zeroed in on him and he told her if she wanted any action she would have to pay for him. She asked how much for the week and when he told her $50,000 she kissed him. He made it clear he doesn't pay women for sex and she told him she thought he was hot.
I kept telling women that I didn't know them well enough to sleep with them - several asked me if I was married and if I had kids. Unlike my trip to Santiago, many of the girls I spoke to here knew some English or French.
Probably the most important lesson of this evening was that it gave us a good idea of what it must be like to be a hot chick back home - every woman wanted us, every woman gave us hungry eyes and many, many of them approached us. Literally you had to beat them off you. They would frequently grab you inappropriately and ask you to sleep with them. And many wouldn't take no for an answer! They were very persistent.
At the end of the night, Payton was hooked up with his 19 year old, Rhino was with another, and one who wouldn't leave me alone was holding my hand as we left the club. She had grabbed my hand and told me that if it didn't look like I was with her the police (who had showed up at the end of the night with the police lights on their cars flashing) might arrest her. She claimed that they showed up at the end of the night and arrested a lot of people, mostly the girls, for no reason and then let them out of jail the next day. So I walked with her but frequently let go of her hand and kept going so she would run up to catch up to me and grab my hand again. She was telling me how she was going to make love to me (even offered to include this other girl, Alexandra, that I spoke to on the way out, who I ended up meeting the next night), and how she thought I was very beautiful, a gentleman, etc.
Of course I didn't believe any of this and at one point I just told her I wasn't taking her back to my hotel (she kept offering for us to go to her place, which only raised suspicions that there were some of her brothers waiting to give me a real Dominican welcome if I showed up there).
When she finally gave up, she started to get bitchy about me wasting her time and she wanted me to pay her which we thought was bullshit since we didn't want her around in the first place and were doing everything to get rid of her. I offered her $5 just to leave and she got mad that it was too little so I told I wouldn't pay her anything. At that point she finally said ok and, even though Payton told me I shouldn't pay her anything, I gave her the $5 just for her to get lost.
We got back to our hotel and Adam and I just went back to our rooms and crashed out. Payton and Rhino decided to find somewhere where they could hang out with their ladies and get some food and drink. We already knew the hotel charged a lot to bring guests back for the night (this is one of the hooks you need to be prepared for when going to these resorts this hotel wanted $128 to allow you to bring a guest back to your room, which is basically having her pay for a day. And there are guards in front of the hotel all night watching that no one gets smuggled in).
You get a plastic bracelet when you check in which identifies you as a guest of the hotel and if you are on an all-inclusive plan for your meals, which gives you access to the dining rooms. Apparently if you pretend to lose this bracelet, went and got yourself a replacement one and then taped your original cut one after putting it on a guest to get them in, you would go to jail if they found out. And one thing that seemed pretty clear is that you don't want to spend any time in a Dominican jail.
Payton and Rhino spent a few hours waiting touring Sosua and were unsuccessful finding any place that was serving. They ended up at one hotel where there were people sitting around the bar, and the desk manager kept telling them that in "5-10 minutes more" they'd have a room for them. It turned out this was the last place with vacancies that night and they rent the rooms by the hour. Since it was clear this was a Ho-tel: a place where people bring their hoes, Rhino and Payton decided to leave. There were no drinks, no food, and Payton & Rhino aren't the kind of people who wait around for pussy. They made sure the girls would make it home alright, and returned to our hotel.
So even though there was very little drinking, the first night was quite interesting.
The next morning, I stayed at the hotel and went to find out how to get on the Internet there while Payton and the other guys went to see what they could arrange for the rest of the trip in terms of having a place to go after hours to extend the partying with the ladies.
Payton met a guy nicknamed "Rocky" who he had been in contact with over email. Rocky owns a hotel ( nearby but Payton described him as the "real Elvis." This guy, who he described as quite old and scraggly, showed them a portfolio of photos of him with spectacular women - women Payton said were way better than what we had seen at the club the night before. Rocky had moved here for the lifestyle and has apparently slept with over 2000 women. Rocky also has a restaurant in his hotel that serves ribs that are supposed to be truly outstanding. His place was booked solid so he brought Payton over to a nearby hotel and arranged a room there where we could party with the ladies if we picked some up.
Payton hadn't expected to buy a room like that and didn't have much money on him. Rocky, after knowing him for an hour, gave him $20 to make up the missing amount needed to secure the room and told him to pay him back next time he sees him. Payton was very surprised and impressed that this guy would do that but Rocky explained that he's really not there because of the money; he's there to have fun and enjoy his life.
Rocky explained that the culture in the DR is different. People aren't as insecure about their sexuality as society in North America. The people know it is as natural as eating and sleeping, and feel if you are not able to be with your partner and need some action, it is ok to satisfy yourself with someone else you find attractive. Since this is a normal way of life down there, couples don't get bent out of shape when their partner is with someone else. The problem is since it is such an impoverished country, many women will do anything for money. It was our problem to distinguish between the two. He also told us that it is customary to give girls money for a taxi home, since most people in the DR don't have a car (which obviously we would use to drive our girlfriends home with in North America).
This was pretty much what I saw and understood when I was in Santiago, but I did not experience the widespread, almost universal experience of all the women being coin-operated as they seemed to be here in Sosua.
During lunch that day, Rhino made a comment to a girl at the buffet, something which would be cultivated later.
Sunday night we head out again to the club district in town, back to the same disco we were in the night before. This time we had a better understanding of the situation and weren't going to put up with "chicas" who think they are going to get money out of us sooner or later.
On the walk in I purposely avoided eye contact with the women who hungrily eye you as you walk in the club district, and especially as we get to the club itself (this really lets you relate to how a hot chick here must feel).
Payton had last night "demanded" that one of the guys working there bring the air conditioning to him where he was (a funny but obviously impossible request) and tonight this guy had set aside the VIP area for us. We walked through the huge crowd up to a private area that had a circular seating arrangement.
We sat down and soon a few women came up to us but Payton made it clear that he wasn't buying them drinks and he doesn't pay for women. A few stuck around a bit but then left, and a few others came by.
Last night as I was leaving with the one I paid the $5 to to get rid of, I noticed this very attractive short, slender girl looking at me. I smiled at her, went up to her, asked her name (Alexandra) but she didn't speak English. She walked with me towards the exit (the $5 girl was all up for having her join us for a "happy hour," as she called it) but I didn't pursue it.
Tonight, however, her and her cousin (a girl with a tremendous body, dressed very well and very sexy, who's face was not unattractive but it had a Latin style to it that made it her weakest feature - she, however, said she was a model) who wore a tight tank top with the words "Baby Girl" in sequins on it, came into our VIP section. Her cousin spoke excellent English and came up to me and told me that Alexandra told her that I spoke to her the night before but she didn't understand what I was saying and she wanted to know what I said. I knew that Alexandra was attracted to me and her cousin told Payton that Alexandra thought I was cute and wanted to know what I was saying.
We grilled them and Baby Girl insisted that her and her cousin were not working girls (Payton said she told him that there were probably 5 women in that place that night out of the hundreds there who weren't working, and that they were two of them). Alexandra turned out to have a 4-year-old daughter and owns a store selling baby clothes. I played my little non-verbal games with her (twirled her, took her dancing on the floor where she dirty danced with me, pointed to my cheek indicating for her to kiss me, and, most effectively, held her right side cheek in one hand as I get close to talk in her left ear where I would say things like "I know you don't understand a word I am saying, but you are really enjoying the way I am saying them to you" as I said these things while lowering my voice, etc).
Rhino was working on Baby Girl who had a little attitude and while he escalated with her to a point where he almost had her, it seems he moved a little too fast to kiss her and she gave him the cheek. He got annoyed with that and left her to go talk with some other girls which effectively ended their encounter, even though she stuck around with us right to the end of the night (she had given Rhino her phone number and email address, but later told me that she really now wanted to get it back and didn't want him to contact her).
Payton had prepared for tonight, though, and we retreated to the other smaller hotel where he had secured a room with three beds in it. We all went back to this hotel - Payton was with another girl whom he had established he doesn't pay for women . Rhino hung out with Baby Girl near the pool, and didn't even bother to try and get action from her. He was happy to have found a place that continued serving cold beers at that hour. There was also Adam who went into wild man mode with another girl he met, and myself and Alexandra. We said our goodbyes around 4 AM, I think.
I go for breakfast around 9 AM and very shortly after Payton joins me. Both of us don't sleep that much at night and we ended up spending several hours just talking that morning. We got to spend a lot of time together at these breakfast meetings this trip, as the others sleep in and we were both up and hungry each day.
After we went back to our rooms, collected our notebook computers and headed over to Rocky's where Rocky had generously offered us to use his wireless Internet set up for free. He came over to help us get on-line and ended up spending about a half hour helping to optimize the speed of my computer. This was very generous of him and very unexpected, as I had just met him.
After our time on-line, we headed back to the hotel where we met with Rhino and Adam for lunch.
While Payton and I were away, Rhino and Adam had noticed 2 girls checking them out, and who followed them into the restaurant. They were clearly interested, so Rhino & Adam made a note of this for later. One of them was the girl Rhino had spoke with at the buffet the day before.
Following lunch, we headed out to the public beach that we had been told was much nicer than the beach near the hotel. We found the beach, which was a relatively short walk away but we faced a gauntlet of street vendors as we got nearer. Deals were clearly available - I don't remember the item, but we were quoted 300 pesos for four of them. Payton offered 100 for each of us and he was ready to do it! You need to negotiate there for everything - Rocky hooked Payton up with someone for him to exchange US money to DR pesos and this connection saved him almost 11% from what others had been charging him.
We walked down a street by the water that was a sort of boardwalk (without the boards), with everything you could want available (Dominican style). The vendors were all approaching us, offering us anything we could want. They were extremely aggressive, some saying "I just need to talk to you for a minute" or anything they could come up with to get you to pay attention to them. Some of the things offered were interesting, and we agreed to come back the next day when we had some more money with us.
We walked along the beach almost to the end and ran into an older man with a box on his shoulder. He was selling fresh oysters - Payton and Rhino tried one and immediately wanted more. We sat down at a table along the water but off the beach on the boardwalk and for 200 pesos (about $6 US) the man prepared 24 fresh oysters that were quite outstanding. When he left he said we had agreed to 300 pesos. We argued and then paid him (since at $9 it was still very cheap), making a note to make the price very clear among a few people so we didn't get taken again.
We also noticed someone serving Coco Locos, a tropical style drink in a freshly cut up coconut and Payton ordered four of these for us (in the end, 4 tropical drinks, 3 beers and a bottle of water cost about $21 US - Payton claimed those drinks in the fresh coconut are about $15 each in Cancun). I very rarely drink, but those Coco Locos got me pretty sauced.
We met several people selling a variety of things and made plans to head over there with more money the next day. We said hello to a few women on the beach and we ended up seeing most of them at the nightclub in Sosua later on. The public beach seemed to be the place to go - one of the vendors offered us an array of fresh seafood the next time we go and made it sound extremely tempting. When I say fresh, I mean still breathing on a wire dripping wet fresh. At one point someone said, "who needs ladies," and we realized we were having a better time without them than with. They re just a condiment of life. This day on the beach was one of the highlights of the week, the one we will surely remember whenever we think about this trip.
After returning from the beach (which we did pretty late, after 6 PM), we had an 8 PM dinner reservation at one of the hotel's restaurants. As such, we didn't get to crash out as we usually did each day late in the afternoon to recharge. So we were all pretty draggy at dinner, which seemed to take a long time. We had planned to go to Cabarete - which is a city or town about 15 minutes away. It is supposed to be a very popular tourist town known for windsurfing and a better quality crowd than we were seeing in Sosua.
After dinner, however, we were sitting down near an area where there are pool tables and other games, and three young girls and a 14-year-old guy all from the UK started up with us. Earlier in the day Rhino had played foosball with the girls but had discovered they were too young. In particular we had Megan after us, who was 17 years old and in the process of discovering her sexuality. She made a few blunt remarks that were mostly teases, but was hard-core after us to get her beers. She came to our table to show us how she chugged 4 glasses of beer like water and kept after us to get her more. She was smoking cigarettes, drinking, and eventually told us she had lost her virginity at 13.
Her friends with her were a blond girl who had the 14 year old guy hanging on her. He seemed to be doing pretty well with her with his arms around her and Megan and her friend were trying to figure out if the little guy was going to shag her. Payton noted that he was doing so good he'd make a prime coach in the future. He also made a point that we should note how much game a girl like Megan had at her age, and from that imagine how much further this would evolve; so we would understand how women get the way they are at different stages.
The other girl had a most prominent and remarkable chest for someone her age. These girls came around to hound us several times, with Megan and the friend with the chest blurting out how they found Ryan to be the best looking of our group. The chest girl speculated on all our ages and was surprisingly close on all of us. We finally left them (amongst a variety of pediophiliac and age of consent jokes) and instead of going to Cabarete, ended up back at the same disco club as the night before.
We came in there late and the private booth had been given away already, so they seated us at a table that was central, prominent, and overlooking the dance floor. Girls came around immediately and while some of them were forward, it seemed that we intimidated them and they would mostly stand around trying to make eye contact.
Two of the girls who we had met at the beach came by (they had told us they were sisters, but it turned out they were just very close friends) and one of them stuck to Payton. The other was trying to cozy up to me but I really wasn't interested and she ended up hooking up with Adam.
There was another friend of theirs who was a most hideous beast, and between the 4 of us we nicknamed her "Planet of the Apes." She never seemed to get the hint, and stood in the same place at our table for almost the entire night. At one point we got excited because Planet of the Apes left, but then there was the Return of the Planet of the Apes.
After we were there for a little while, I had a surprise visitor - Alexandra showed up at our table and went right after me. She was supposed to have left the city to go back to her home town which is three hours away, but now it seemed clear she stuck around hoping to see me again. She managed to communicate to me that she was having a lot of doubts about me as my friends seemed to be going with chicas (it seems that the two "sisters" were working girls, even thought Payton and Adam did not pay for them and made it clear to them that they do not pay for women) and that I was probably the same as my friends.
I frankly did not care, and told her (through Payton, who speaks Spanish) that she could just hang out or she can leave if she wants.
We were the hot commodity here, and any chance to spend time with us was a huge opportunity for these girls and, the same as it for hot women here. If they want to be difficult there's someone else just waiting for her chance to take their place.
The table of girls in front of us had a few hot women that were pretending to not be interested in us. Ryan started talking to them, but they spoke mainly Italian or Portuguese so that along with our awkward location in relation to where they were standing made it difficult to engage in conversations with them. But they put up some challenge, which was rare and which became something we started to crave.
When I checked my email later that morning, there was an invitation in Spanish from Alexandra to put her on Yahoo Messenger. Later in the day, I came back to my room to get a few things before getting together with Payton and the guys to go to the public beach, and the phone rings in the room. I thought it would be Payton, but it was Baby Girl who was calling to translate for Alexandra. She starts asking me what I think of Alexandra and I tell her that I think Alexandra is a wonderful girl. Then she goes on, somewhat aggressively, to start with how Alexandra has a daughter and doesn't want to waste her time and she wants to know what I really think of her, and is there going to be a future? I think this is quite much, but I told her that I had only seen her twice now and that I think these questions are very premature, that I think she's a great girl, but to be realistic I am going back to Canada in a few days also. Alexandra got on the phone herself and said a few words, letting me know she was a little sad to which I told her not to be sad that meeting her was a good thing and to always be happy about that.
Meanwhile at the pool, Payton had started up with two 21-year-old girls from London, England who were staying at our hotel. They were taking the sun so Payton teased them that they need to do a lot better if they expect to have nice tans by the time they leave. They also happened to be the same girls who had followed Adam & Rhino the day before. Payton also commented it was strange they were British and yet they weren't fat and their teeth seemed, well alright which they found very funny (an ongoing joke all week was about the British tourists who were almost all overweight and had bad teeth).
We arranged to meet at their lounge chairs by the pool before we headed out to the public beach. When I came by, one of them, Hannah, asked how many were in our group. I asked her, "Why, how many can you handle?" which cracked everyone up. The other one, Emma, was quite attractive and claimed to have done some underwear modeling.
They ended up going with us to the beach and spending the day with us - it seems that they had tried to leave the hotel before, but as soon as they walked out they were harassed so they hadn't left the hotel for almost the entire week they had been there. We told them they could join us at the beach and returned to the place we had been, but they were somewhat unadventurous and were unwilling to try the fresh oysters we ordered. They did take sips of the Coco Locos we ordered but were not open to having anything new, which they felt might give them food poisoning.
We arranged to meet them later on in the disco that is in the hotel where we are staying, but we ended up stiffing them.
After dinner, Payton found a cab driver and arranged to have him stay with us all night and take us to Cabarete. Cabarete is a somewhat more upscale area where there is a stretch of restaurants, bars and clubs along the main street, which also fronts on the water. It is apparently a good area, but it's small. When we got there it was pretty dead (Tuesday night) and we were told that on the weekends it's really jumping as there are a lot of visitors who come in from all over the island to party there.
So we hopped back in the cab and, following the cabbie's advice, we went to Puerto Plata. The place we headed to was Mangu, a club at the Jack Tar Village Resort. The girl who was sitting next to Adam on the plane told him they would be going there and we had tentatively arranged to meet there Friday night. Jack Tar Village right away looked more like the kind of resort we were used to - much higher quality construction, design, etc. Mangu was also a more upscale place, as we had expected.
At this point we were completely uninterested in more Dominican women, mostly because they seemed to be, as I said earlier coin-operated. Actually, we had decided this earlier; just now we verbally made it official. We expected to meet more regular women, preferably tourists on vacation.
Payton used his "man s man" principles and we were brought to a VIP section/private booth that was separated from the rest of the place by a small chain and was guarded by a bouncer who let people in and out. He told the bouncer to find all the hot girls and tell them they could hang out in the VIP section, so we wouldn't have to look for them. He failed miserably at this.
Early on, Payton started up with a woman who was sitting by herself around the dance floor and brought her into the private area. She had a very bouncy chest and an equally flirty personality. She turned out to be working all of us at the same time.
Earlier in the trip I had asked Payton how he picks up a girl when out with another girl and he explained how, for example, he'd have one hand on the girl he is with while he talks and teases a waitress. Then he would come back to the same place another time when the waitress would be working and finish what he started.
This girl would put her hand on Payton's lap and talk to another one of us at the same time - Payton pointed this out to me, remarking how she is a real player.
I spent a little time talking with her and found out she is a pimp - she had three girls working at Mangu that night (or so she said)! She flirted with all of us (I, of course, explained how I understood how she was jealous of the great chest I have).
Her tube top was constantly under pressure to fall down, and apparently while dancing with Adam her boobs popped out and she acted all embarrassed. She brought up how she was embarrassed when talking to Payton and he said, "They popped out like this?" And pulled her top right down.
She stuck around with us for quite some time but ended up leaving alone.
Next, the bouncer guarding our booth brought over two black women, one of which was very attractive but the way she pretty much immediately started dirty dancing with Payton I assumed she was looking for a customer. Nevertheless, Payton ended up kissing her and teasing her before she and her friend left (again, these two stayed with us for quite some time, probably and hour and a half or more).
While earlier in the evening we all kind of thought this was the best place we had been to so far in the DR, by the end of the evening there seemed to be an unspoken consensus that there were a lot of guys there and, again, the atmosphere lacked the challenge we originally didn't realize we were looking for.
On the flip side, there were several fairly unattractive women who were being escorted by good looking Dominican men - I remarked that this was like those top ten lists, "You know you're really poor when..." ( you will accept to get paid to have sex with a woman that looks like that).
Adding to the crowd (or detracting, depending on one s perspective) was a transvestite, a midget who asked people for money, and a really fat white biker type looking woman when I say fat, I mean take pictures and circulate on the Internet fat. We stayed away from these ones.
When we were about to leave, the bouncer turned to Payton and said, "Where s my tip?" Payton gave the bouncer a lot of hell for not having brought over acceptable women - he yelled at him that he had failed and that we'd be back on Friday and he'd have one last chance to redeem himself or else he's just a total loser like most of the others out there.
Payton works everyone to get what he wants at all times - for example, the cab driver had doubled what he wanted for having to take us from one city to another after. At the end of the night, Payton negotiated with him and told him he could have what he wanted but he'd never see us again, or he could take what Payton offered, which was about 25% less, and take us around every night.
When he went shopping with Emma at the kiosks on the beach, she bought for 200 pesos a bracelet that the sales person had asked 1000 pesos for originally. Shopping with him is not only great because he has good taste, but, depending on the circumstances, he will make sure you pay as little as possible for what you buy.
Concerning negotiating to buy stuff, Payton said it s not the money you are negotiating, as anyone could easily pay 3 times what they were asking; it s the principle that they are trying to screw as much money out of you as possible you are overcoming. Then he mentioned how it had similarities to picking up chicks.
When we got to the hotel early in the morning (or really late at night, depending on how you look at it), there was a Dominican girl in a pink hat in the lobby and Payton started up with her right away, twirling her and teasing her. She was a guest at the hotel and was also just coming in alone, but spoke little English and mucho Spanish.
Payton had arranged with one of the kitchen staff to have food waiting for us when we got back to the hotel at 4 AM, and I went off to bed while the four of them went to eat. Adam also went off to sleep, leaving Payton who speaks Spanish talking to her while they ate. The chicken wings were really good, and while Payton worked her, Rhino went to town on the wings. She asked about going for a swim, and Payton said maybe she wanted a threesome. Somehow the girl got shifted over to Rhino who went back to her room with her but found her, as he later reported, unsatisfying. He slept there until 8 AM when her girlfriend called and was told it would be better if he left.
On the way back to his room, feeling somewhat rough to say the least, he saw Emma and Hannah in the restaurant, and decided to see what kind of trouble he could muster up. A quick change and he went to eat with them in the restaurant. Next they went for a swim and he suggested they come and wake up Adam (whom he was sharing a room with).
Once in the room, Adam knew it would be better to separate the two girls so a little smooth operating followed. Adam and Hannah ended up back at the girls' room where Adam started making out with her (even though at the beach, Emma told us that Hannah didn't like Adam and was interested in Rhino). Rhino was in the room with Emma and started kissing her, which she obliged to for awhile but then decided to stop saying she had a boyfriend. Since this is a common stall and it was obvious she was into it, he moved in again and they kissed some more but after a bit she stopped it again. So he just sat back to talk with her and see if he could figure a way around this while giving Adam some time to pound her friend like an old sack of potatoes.
Rhino pretty much gave up on her as she offered resistance, and then Payton called the room. Before Rhino could mention what had gone on, Payton was on his way over, and was surprised when Emma answered the door to let him in.
First he asked if he was interrupting anything to which Rhino responded no. Payton was a little confused and Emma she said she has a boyfriend and if she didn't she'd have slept with him.
So Payton started talking to her, doing his thing. He asked why she had a pickle up her ass and she said how she didn't. It was that she acted that way around Hannah, who gets mad since Emma always seems to score the hot guys.
She told him that she was actually a very sexual girl and had had sex with four guys at once, was into threesomes, etc. This was a total surprise coming from someone too chicken to try an oyster with us the beach.
Payton of course said talk was cheap and undid her bikini strap. She said this was no big deal as she'd been outside taking the sun topless all week so Payton took her bathing suit top off and started playing with her breasts. She went along with this for awhile and then started resisting, again saying she has a boyfriend and doesn't do those sorts of things when she has one. Apparently Hannah doesn't know about her wild side at all.
Adam fooled around with Hanna and got her topless, but, as Emma had mentioned, she turned out to be a bit of a square.
This was another good lesson to not listen to what women say much of the time - for Emma to turn out to be so wild after her prissy behavior on the beach was so apparently out of character that we couldn't stop talking about it.
We met for lunch on the far side of the hotel (where the buffet was significantly better than on our side, which is supposed to be the better end) and I was told about all these adventures that happened after I had gone to sleep.
Payton wasn't feeling too well today and had an upset stomach. The night before he had drunk a lot of scotch, followed up by greasy food at 4 AM (mostly fried chicken wings, and after not eating dinner earlier as he wasn't feeling well then either), and missing breakfast except for some fruit. As such, he went off to his room.
I called Payton a little while later from my room to find out that he had gotten food poisoning from the fruit he had eaten earlier, and was in his room with a doctor who had him hooked up to an IV.
One of the funniest things that happened that week was seeing Payton answer the door sick while towing an IV in one hand and holding a smoke in the other.
He sounded pretty bad but the doctor said it was a common type of thing that he had that visitors here get and that he should be fine tomorrow. This left Adam, Rhino and myself on our own for the evening and we made plans to meet at 8 PM for dinner.
Dinner, foosball, some pool and soon it was 11 PM, time to check out the disco in the hotel. It was very dead earlier in the evening, but started to get somewhat busy as the evening wore on. Rhino approached these two girls we hadn't seen before, who turned out to be from France. They were sisters of Guadaloupan origin who were here on vacation. They only spoke French, and as my pitiful French is better than Rhino's, I ended up speaking with them more than he did. The younger one, Sabrina, was the more attractive one, and the older one, Patrizia, seemed to be the prison guard who was only going to allow a limited amount of fun to go on.
I teased them ("How come you are so attracted to Canadian men?"), twirled them (one of Payton's signature moves), and took pictures (I have a good shot of the two of them, one on each side of me, both kissing my cheeks). Despite all this, there were dead moments in the conversation and it seemed to stale out.
I asked Payton about this the next day, about those times when you just find yourself with nothing to say. He said that never happens to him - he always finds something to say to them. If it gets quiet, he'll ask them "Why are you so quiet? Are you thinking about me?" or really just anything that comes to mind. Whatever is happening he will use it to keep things going - generally he escalates the energy of a conversation and if it is really starting to not go his way, he will end it ("I see this was a big mistake, I think someone's calling your name, nice meeting you, ciao, see ya" and he'll back turn them and wave his fingers at them).
The rest of the evening was somewhat uneventful, although the girl in the pink hat that Rhino got action from the night before showed up with her girlfriend (I had run into the two of them briefly walking by the pool earlier in the day). She clearly was interested in Rhino and came up to him and tried to get him to come back to her room. But he hadn't had the same amount to drink this night as the one before and wasn't interested in a repeat performance. What s interesting is she even called his room around 5 AM after the clubbing was over to ask him to come over, but he told her he was too tired).
I teased her friend who was fairly attractive - she was standing at the back of the club while I was sort of in the center at the edge of the dance floor, so I gave her the Payton Kane point at her with two fingers, then point them back to your eyes, then back to her. Then I motioned with my index finger for her to come over. First she just laughed, and I did it again and then she came over. The girl in the pink hat (that's just how I am referring to her, she wasn't wearing a hat this evening) and her, who both didn't speak great English, worked to give me the message that the black girl would see me tomorrow (after, I saw them with an older guy who was hanging around with them - I figured he was her "date" for the evening, possibly her customer).
Later in the evening I danced suggestively in front of her and when I passed by her she grabbed my ass and my balls (women in the DR can be quite aggressive - this was the second time a girl grabbed my balls this trip, and there would have been a couple of other times had I not stopped girls as they started grabbing me). Probably the most remarkable events of the evening were a number of funny comments we had about the people in the club, but other than that there was not much happening. At around 2:45 AM we called it a night.
Began with a call from Payton at 9 AM and he was sounding much better. We made plans to meet for breakfast where I found out he had slept a lot, woke up at 7 AM and had already been to Rocky's to check his email. After breakfast I went to Rocky's and spent a few hours on the computer - I also got to see a good selection of Rocky's photos of his women as Rocky was there and he gave me a guided tour of his photo albums on his computer.
Rocky is a prolific womanizer who doesn't go out to clubs. Women are constantly coming and going in and out of his hotel and he has been taking advantage of this in a big way over the 15 years he's been down in the DR. He was very active when he was growing up (he's originally from Montreal, and, in fact went to the same high school I did) but when he came to the DR he really went to town. It seems like he has sex at least once a day and has a good 15-20 women in his rotation all the time.
He told me about some of the times when he was back in Montreal and it occurred to me that he was able to get women into bed very quickly and consistently. He claimed that he didn't really have a regular routine, that it really was just whatever he thought of at the moment. He gave me the example of how he had gone up to an attractive woman who he sees and starts off apologizing for being so forward, but that he finds her very attractive and would really like to have a drink with her. That didn't really explain some of the stories he told, like how he was on his way to work in the morning once and was going to be 15 minutes early. On his way, though, he met this woman who he didn't know before, took her home, had sex with her, and then got to his work only 10 minutes late.
Rocky also told me his definition of eternity - the time between the moment he comes and the time that she leaves.
I went back to the hotel after and found Payton and the guys tanning on the beach. We stayed there for awhile (I am the whitest of the group, as I avoid the sun - it is the number one thing that makes you look older and all doctors are in agreement that there is no safe amount of sun you can take) and then moved up to some tables near one of the outdoor bars where they could be in the sun and I could stay in some shade.
For the next several hours, we had a great conversation, with Rhino asking a number of questions about game (and taking what seemed to be prolific notes) and Payton talking a lot about his ideas. Rhino and I agreed that had we filmed our adventures with Payton, it would have made a blockbuster movie.
Payton mentioned one of his things that he would do once he got a hot girl's phone number. He would then ask her if she fucks on the first date. All girls will say no and act somewhat insulted and he would then playfully crumple up the paper with her number on it and toss it away and say "Well, nice meeting you!" He pointed out that how you do this is critical, as it has to be very playful. Usually after he does this, the women will laugh, slap him and tell him that he's "so bad."
Payton is all about controlling the interaction at all times, taking it where he wants it to go. We talked about how many women are bored by men - if you don't challenge them mentally, they lose interest very quickly. These are typically the women that interest Payton the most, because they usually can give as good as they get and they are the most fun for him.
Adam told us the story of how at 16 he was in a terrible ski accident and spent two weeks in a coma, had brain surgery, was in the hospital for 6 months, and how he had to relearn everything, including English, all over again. This experience has made him really appreciate life and given him a new perspective on things. He seems to have had some very attractive girlfriends over the years even though Payton describes him as having had zero game until after he called in to his radio show and started learning about Seduce and Conquer.
Since then he's become one of Payton's star students, who Payton says has the charisma and balls to become exceptionally good. He's had some excellent results since he started learning from Payton, and has picked up a girl almost every time they went out together.
Thursday evening started off with us meeting at 8:30 PM at our hotel s seafood restaurant where we had dinner reservations. There were three restaurants in the hotel that offered supposedly better meals but you needed to make reservations to eat at these, and seats at these places for the same evening were usually gone by 11-11:30 in the morning.
As we came in I noticed the two Guadaloupan sisters sitting at a table next to where we were being seated, and three new women I hadn't seen before (two of which were quite attractive) sitting in a table next to them.
I spoke to the sisters for a few minutes, which was no doubt noticed in minute detail by the three other women. I had the distinct feeling that they were checking us out big time.
Shortly after things settled down, two strolling minstrels came by and started playing music by our table. I thought that would make a good picture. At this point in time, the sisters had finished and left so I went up to the table of three women and asked one to take a picture - they also didn't speak English but spoke French. The hottest of the three snapped a great photo of our table with the musicians.
Payton remarked that going up to them to have them take the picture was a good idea and that I handled it perfectly - we weren't interested (from what they could tell) in them, but they could take our photo. A seed well planted, which will hopefully be harvested before the trip is over.
Rhino ordered a grilled salmon and spent what seemed like forever eating it - we only left the restaurant at about 11 PM and he was still picking at it.
There was a large table (maybe 20 people) from the UK sitting near us who seemed to be celebrating one woman's 60th birthday. This was a collection of a number of particularly unattractive people, and at the head of the table nearest us was an older blond woman who was drunk and who's apparent boyfriend seated next to her was telling her to shut up from time to time, and who appeared eager to get her back in their room alone so he could smack her.
The disco at the hotel was empty, but the air conditioning was the best we'd experienced since being in the DR and we planted ourselves there. The place never quite filled up that evening, but there were probably about 40 people in it at its busiest moment. The girl in the pink hat and her friend showed up at one point and Rhino avoided her. Her friend waved and smiled at me from across the dance floor but the vibe was that she wasn't coming over - later on, it was clear why. The older guy who was around with them the night before came by and hung out with them, and put his arm around the friend numerous times. It was clear he liked the experience of the night before and was back for more (whether he had paid to be with her/them or not was information that was not available).
The three women from dinner showed up at one point but didn't stay long, and there weren't many reasonably attractive women in the place, let alone single women.
At one point when things were particularly quiet, I remarked to the guys that walking downtown to the club and having our balls grabbed was starting to sound appealing again.
Payton approached an attractive blond girl who was in jeans and who was a very good dancer (she seemed to be there alone). He was getting along with her really well when at one point she tells him she's only 15 years old! That was the end of that, he replied with "I can't talk to you anymore" and left her; but we of course teased Payton about it relentlessly. Not much was happening at the disco, but when we finally decided to walk into the city it was past the 1 AM closing time of the bars.
Walking at night there is very sketchy and I remarked how we all came here together and we may as well go down together. Nothing seemed to be happening but there was a bar across from Rocky's that seemed to be somewhat active. There were two girls and an older white guy there and the girls beckoned us over.
Payton quickly found out that they would serve us alcohol despite it being illegal at that time. They brought us in to the bar and then shut the garage doors behind us and that closed off the outside world.
Of course my first thoughts when those doors came down were that this does not bode well (Payton said the look on my face when the door shut was priceless). Fortunately, it turned out that the white guy, a man originally from the Netherlands named Jacob, was the owner and he and Payton hit it off.
He offered some good suggestions and shared some of his experiences down there. Apparently I fell asleep a few times and the Dutch guy gave me a few weird looks, which was funny as the other guys just acted like my behaviour was normal.
It's only been a short time that this curfew has been in effect, but it has had a disastrous effect on much of the bar business. His bar, for example, only opens at 9 PM and now has to close officially at 1 AM most nights (2 AM on weekends), whereas not long ago it would be going all night long. Walking the streets at 1:30 AM the city is completely dead, which is very unusual for a tourist town like this.
At one point there was a banging on the garage door - it seemed to me like that was probably the police there to bust our sorry asses for our black market activities, but it turned out to be a couple who came in for some drinks themselves (the thunderous way they chose to knock left much to be desired at that hour).
After leaving Jacob's place around 2:30 AM, we walked back to the hotel and ran into three other women sitting in the lobby eating some take-out food. Payton started up with them by commenting on the food and it turned out they were from New York City.
I left to go to the washroom and to get to sleep, but Payton told me after that one had been to the DR 10 times, another 18 times. Our immediate conclusion about any women telling us that is that they are coming here for native dick.
In any event, once they said that it turned off the others and nothing happened afterwards. The girl with the pink hat made another 5 AM call to Rhino, but any possibility she had had degenerated after first she complained about him ignoring her in the disco, and then she really did it by asking him to pay the hotel bill for her so she could stay another night there.
I took a chance that I might wake him up and called Payton at 8:50 AM and we met for breakfast just after 9. We've had some great talks alone at this hour while the others were still sleeping.
After breakfast we went over to Rocky's to get on the net. Payton left before I did and I spent quite some time looking around for some Dominican cigars that had been requested by a friend. I didn't find the requested brand anywhere, and was only able to find them from a vendor in a kiosk on the beach later in the day. Or, at least, so I thought. It turned out that the cigars were not the brand the vendor told me they were, but my friend enjoyed them anyway.
When leaving our hotel for the beach, we ran into Joseph, local guide who claimed to work for the hotel we were staying at to help tourists/hotel clients with their purchases. He stuck with us all afternoon as we did our shopping at the kiosks along the public beach. We bought some jewelry, cigars, men's cologne (a steal, it seemed, at $10 USD a bottle, but which I found for $8 Canadian in an outlet shop a few days after returning to Canada) and Adam bought a small native mask.
We sat at a table at one point and ordered the pineapple drinks we had seen previously, which were served in a just cut up fresh pineapple. These were ok, but not as good as the Coco Locos of the other day. I am not sure if it had anything to do with the fruits there, but I also had to use the facilities at one point and I have had diarrhea for the past couple of days (starting while down there and continuing in diminishing strength for about 10 days after returning home). Before I left, I had taken Dukoral ( which is supposed to prevent that but I gather I might have been really, really sick had I not taken it. As it was, I was just using the facilities a little more often than usual. All the guys ended up using the facilities more than usual obviously people who had told us before we left that they think the food is good here have no clue.
Payton negotiated great prices for most everything we bought down there - we picked up a number of jewelry items at this one place where the vendor wanted 4000 pesos when we started - Payton got him down to 1500.
He remarked that negotiating pricing is similar to picking up women - there are similar skills involved.
Payton noticed a pair of jeans that he thought looked really hot and I tried them on behind the desk in the shop. There was an older Dominican sales lady sort of helping out but she was after me. She said for me to let her see the way the jeans fit and then when I tried to communicate with her she put her fist up towards her mouth mimicking a BJ and smiling at me, calling me baby, etc. Obviously everyone here is an opportunist of sorts with a one track mind. She was pretty relentless but that wasn't happening.
It has occurred to me that it's pretty sad what is going on in this country because of the poverty and overall state of things. The guide Joseph told us that he would bring us tonight to where there will be women that we won't have to pay, but as I have been thinking about this it seems that the women will offer sex or actually anything within their power to give you, to you because you are a North American and as such are larger than life to them. They simply will take any opportunity to interact with you, to potentially do anything that may improve their lives. So while you can probably not pay women for sex here, it's because they are helpless to interest you otherwise in anything to do with them. If you are willing to pay for sex, they'll accept that but their preference is to go for the jackpot where they will score big if you really like them and you take them away from this dead-end life. As such, it's not the money alone that is important; it's the hope that you represent.
Payton mentioned another important piece of the puzzle about how what was really the best part of the trip and of life in general. And that was the good times we shared with our male friends. The camaraderie we've had on this trip is the real highlight. He noted that when women go out they go out to have fun with their friends and if something else happened, that was a bonus. I also think many women envy the bond that guys can have with each other, as most women don't trust other women and aren't able to experience what a close group of guys experience when out together.
Payton's game has mainly been about doing to women what they do to us, and he said that this is what life is really all about. Life doesn't get better than having a great time with your male friends. You go out and have a great time and everything else, including the women, will come around. They are the appetizers and side dishes to the main course, and are there to add to your experience. Don't focus on them; focus on having a great time and everything else will fall into place.
The last time I was with David DeAngelo, he also remarked to me that an important "Aha!" moment for him was when he realized that he stopped looking for the kind of connection he has with his male friends with women - women will never replace those relationships and once you stop looking for that from them, it's very liberating. You are able to enjoy women for what they can bring you, not what you think they should be bringing to your life.
The upcoming section recalling the last day or so of what went on will be significantly more detailed than the reports on the previous days, because while waiting for our shuttle bus to the airport we sat around in front of the ocean and I cajoled the guys to go over the events of the previous night and remind me of details so that I can put them into this report. I think those reading this should read the upcoming section and understand that pretty much each day there was composed of a similar number of stories and snippets but that I didn't remember them all myself.
Before going out, Payton had a couple of episodes that were interesting. He was crashed out naked on his bed in the afternoon and the chambermaid came in. He woke up and saw her and she was just standing there staring. He asked her (in Spanish) if 'she liked what she saw to which she replied "Si!" Unfortunately, she was not attractive enough for him to pursue such an opportunity (but it s a good story anyway).
At dinner, Payton teased the waitress repeatedly as she teased him that he was difficult, and how the staff all expected a hard time when he was coming around. Payton complimented the waitress (who, while not unattractive, was clearly not attractive enough) and after she left he told me that he always compliments women he's not interested in.
In fact, he told me he does this on all of his dates - he'll compliment the waitress, for example, and then tell his date that he always compliments women he's not interested in. Then he'll turn to her and say "By the way, you look fantastic tonight!" which, brings a laugh and tweaks them.
That night we head out with the same cab driver back to Puerto Plata to hit Mangu again. The women we had met on the plane ride in were supposed to be there that night. Adam had made an outstanding connection with the one who sat next to him on the plane so we were going to be on the lookout for their group.
We get to the place after 11 PM and one of the doormen, one who had stood guard at our VIP section last time, started off giving Payton a hard time saying he didn't say goodbye to him when we left last time. Payton's basic response to him was "Shut the fuck up and let me in, I'll say goodbye to you tonight!" and the guy let us in. Clearly Payton's frame was stronger and the guy just yielded to him.
There was a line up waiting to get in, but when we bypassed the line and walked in, the place was empty. We were led again to the same VIP section, and just settled in and waited.
We also saw the same bouncer who Payton yelled at (and didn't tip) last time because he had failed to bring any women to us. The guy was doing everything he could to win Payton's approval and at one point said to Payton that he likes the way Payton treats him (which was yelling at him and giving him shit - a lesson Payton pointed out to us about how nice guys finish last and you have to be in control at all times of everyone around you).
He told Payton that he has nothing but he wanted to give him something. So he gave Payton his baseball-style cap, which Payton didn't want but the guy begged him (practically on the verge of tears - and you need to know what this guy looked like to appreciate this as he is about 6'2" tall, well built, a very cool type guy) to take that gift. It was as if it meant the world to him for Payton to accept that gift. Payton saw this and took it (but at the end of the night, Rhino left it on a post outside the club as we walked towards the cab).
It seemed to not be his fault that he couldn't bring women over - the very few white ones there were into the Dominican guys and the black ones were all about being paid. Payton of course still blamed him for not bringing any women over, even if there weren't any.
One of the first women to come over was this Beyonce look-a-like that Payton had made out with last time we were there. This girl is tall and slim, very, very attractive but is a working girl. She comes over to our VIP section and Payton twirls her, then he started busting on her about how she wants him so much but because the last time we were there he wouldn't pay her anything she left. She hung around for a little bit, we took some pictures of her, including her noteworthy ass, and she was clearly after him hard-core.
At one point, she disappeared for a while and then came back. She came again over to our VIP section but this time Payton waved his index finger (motioning "no") at her. She came closer and tried to kiss him but he pushed her away. She told him she wanted to make love to him and he told her she couldn't afford it. She asked how much and he told her $1000 a night, and she responded that usually men pay her.
Payton, however, is extremely aware of what is happening around him and in front of him and he told me that he told her that he noticed that she had fresh make up on, and that she had probably just finished doing a customer and she wanted to feed that to him and he wasn't interested. She looked like she couldn't believe what was happening.
Payton told me later that his ex-wife was a super-model and he knows fresh make up when he sees it (he is also an image consultant and notices everything). Fresh make up like she had takes at least a half-hour to put on. She spent the rest of the night dancing with other guys (an obvious attempt to make him jealous) and staring at him.
We also ran into the pimp chick with the boobs again. This time she was wearing a bustier with straps so she couldn't spill out like last time. She was just the ultimate player - continually playing all four of us. She started telling me the story about her boobs falling out last time (I had gotten the story from the guys, so she didn't know if I knew what had happened) and I told her "Sure, sure. You did that on purpose, admit it" which she laughed and said no she didn't. I told her the same thing had happened to me - I was dancing with this girl and my penis fell out of my pants.
She would put her hand on my knee and talk to Payton and I just pointed this out to her, telling her she's such a player. I saw Payton play his cheek kiss trick on her - he points to his cheek and as she goes to kiss the cheek, he turns and she ends up kissing him on the lips.
At one point when I was standing up, I watched as she was trying to feed olives (the club served us a dish of olives which were on toothpicks along with bottled water for the bottle of Johnny Walker that Payton ordered) to Adam and Rhino (my take was that Rhino was her target, as he was acting the most uninterested in her). Rhino was not going for it, and then she put an olive in between her lips and offered it to him. He refused, but Adam told me later that he had taken advantage of her offer. Rhino apparently also would tease her he first would run his hand up hers as she tried to get a toothpick for olives and then would drop the toothpick on the floor till there was only one (his). Then he'd take an olive on a toothpick, appear to offer it to her and as she moved to take it he would put it in his mouth and eat it. He also made a habit of dripping olive juice on her before eating them.
Payton pointed out that the place was almost all black - there were very few white people in there. Finally four acceptable looking white women came in and later on Payton sent the bouncer who offered his hat to him to go and bring them to the VIP section. He came back and told us that they were only interested in Dominican guys.
The four women from the plane were there, but they were all hooked up with Dominican guys. We were told by one of the Dominican guys we met before leaving the following day that out of all the girls who come to the Dominican, Canadian girls are the easiest - give them a little rum and it's over.
Payton talked with one of the four from the plane - he asked her how her trip was going and she said they were having a great time. When she returned the favour and asked him, he said it was good with his friends, but otherwise it was terrible. He told her this was a great place for people with no game, since they only come here to hook up with the help (which was a backhanded insult).
For much of the night I had my own cheering section of chicas who were staring at me, blowing kisses at me, smiling, etc. but I just smiled, winked, and looked away. A few came up to me but I was not into these women who not only barely spoke English (if they spoke any at all) but who were looking for a customer.
Payton was having enough of it as well, and remarked how he couldn't wait to go home and have a girl say no to him. He said he could see one telling him to fuck off and he'd start thanking her!
There was a very hot chick in a hat that was spending most of the night on the dance floor. Independently, Payton and I noticed that she seemed to be turning all the guys who approached her away. Payton told me after watching this he went up to her and said "Hey baby, what's happening? What, do you think you look sexy in that hat?" She asked him where he's from and when he asked her where she was from, she grabbed his balls (which basically ended his interest).
The cab driver spent most of the night yawning on our couch in the VIP while waiting for us to finish so he could drive us back. But he surprised us by buying a number of the chicas drinks (none of us bought the girls any drinks) and was dancing with a few of them (once while on the floor he ignored Payton, which was really funny but you had to be there).
The short, ugly, extra chunky fat blond woman was there with her "chico" again (I thought we should start a website called stumpychicks as was the midget, the transvestite, and a few others who were apparently paid to be there as different members of the crowd.
Later on both evenings that we were there, the club brought out some very hot women to dance both on the bars and in the suspended cages.
Again I noticed a number of unattractive white women there with Dominican guys, who appeared to be paid personal entertainment. Also there was the tall blond woman that had this scarecrow look and feel about her - she must have had spent some money there as she was also let into the VIP section (there was room for 3-4 different groups in this area) and was with a somewhat more attractive but also older brunette friend of hers.
Later on during the evening it seemed that the two of them had a fight and the friend left. The blond tried (desperately, but acting cool about it) to get into our group, repeatedly coming over and asking for someone to light her cigarette, or to ask the time. But scarecrows were not doing it for us either, and no one encouraged her attentions and fortunately she didn't push it.
As you can see from the above about the Friday night, we had a really great time out even if no one got laid. The other nights were more or less similar to this description, only I didn't recall as many details. The night ended comparatively early, with us leaving and getting back to our hotel before 4 AM.
Our last day was spent mostly sitting around the beach area waiting for time to pass. I met Payton for breakfast then went to Rocky's one last time to check email, and then joined Payton in the pool. We talked for a while and then I suggested we have lunch and then check out (we had arranged a late, 2 PM check out time) which we did.
After that, we hung around the bar at the beach. Eventually 6 PM arrived and the shuttle bus took us to the airport. We wanted to use up our last pesos and Payton wanted to buy some duty free Johnny Walker Blue. He ended up buying a bottle but the price wasn't that much different from what he would pay in Canada. The duty free store that he bought that at was a combination coffee shop, gift shop and snack food shop.
In a box on the floor was a toy, a motorized ball with a weasel attached to it called "Weaselball." I remarked, as I had about a number of odd things we saw over the tip, how this is the kind of thing I would expect to see in Rhino's apartment (he was sporadically picking up shovels, plants, and other offbeat items for a variety of off the wall reasons) and he realized he really liked the toy. He bought it and I told him all his friends would now be coming over because he will have a weaselball in his apartment. Payton would roll his eyes (as he did frequently over Rhino's oddball ideas) but at one point came back from the bathroom cursing Rhino as he couldn't get that damned weaselball out of his head, and said it out loud while standing at the urinal!
The flight was very pleasant although none of us (in our four aisle seats) got seated next to any attractive women and in fact we came in a half hour early (as it was a charter, as soon as they checked everyone in, they were able to leave).
Adam again was a star on the plane, with the first words out of his mouth triggering the flight attendant s interest.
On the way out of the airport, after passing through Canadian customs, we passed the four chicks that we had met on the airplane to the DR, including the one that Adam sat next to and thought he had connected well with. As we walked by, Rhino turns to them and (after some very brief pleasantries like did you have a good trip, etc.) and says "Be sure to get tested!" which totally cracked us up and in many ways was symbolic of what we experienced in the DR.
While it was Adam's first trip, this was my third week away with Payton and we all agreed that this was far and away the best trip we had taken so far. The smaller group, the chemistry between us, and the unique circumstances all contributed to a great time.
If you like this report, imagine being there you'd know about all the x-rated stuff I left out of the report.