Payton Kane is a personal dating success coach; image consultant, motivational speaker and talk show host who has successfully helped over 40,000 men conquer their fears and relationships with women. He is a pioneer in the field of human relations and communications, and the master of seduction and dating in the new millennium. For the past 10 years, Payton Kane has dedicated his life to empowering both men and women to take action to transform their lives. |
The Seduce & Conquer Radio Show is a live broadcast, via internet radio and on 100.7 fm in Toronto and Buffalo, 97.9 fm in Ottawa
which helps listeners with tips on sex, seduction and dating. It is a live broadcast on fm and internet radio and can be heard on www.seduceandconquer.com and/or www.club246.com. Payton Kane will answer any and all of your question pertaining to sex, seduction and dating. This is a live, call in, show every Wednesday night @ 12 am EST and 9 pm Pacific. Everyone is welcome to call for tips, advice and help. Payton Kane will answer all of your questions and set you on the path of becoming a Seduce & Conquer type of person. The number to call is (416) 870-1007. Or email your question to paytonkane@seduceandconquer.com. We look forward from hearing from you this Wednesday.
To hear the show, click on the listen live Icon or to download past shows click on the link on the home page.
For immediate help or assistance with sex, seduction, dating, or relationships call 416 593 5243 or order the award winning Seduce & Conquer program and learn how to attract, meet and date anyone you want right now.